
True, it would be fun. But back in the old days, the rules really meant it had to be stock in every way. You could not drive a car that was not for sale. That helped everyone in the ‘big car’ days, because Chevy, Ford, and Dodge would make huge engines and beefy manual transmissions so they could be used in races.

If you look closely at that last lap, you’ll know why it’s considered legit. Almirola was lower than Dillon. He came up fast to block directly in front of him. Was Dillon supposed to hit his brakes or something, and just let everyone by? Almirola literally pulled up into the No. 3's air dam. No hanky-panky that time.

There’s a whole lot less than there used to be, for sure. When Stock meant ‘Stock’, every car was different, and had it’s own plan. A car with a bigger engine and gas tank planned differently than smaller ones. Racing and innovation in car companies went together. But now, every car is held to the exact same

Personally, I agree. This last few years, here’s my Sunday schedule...

I’d settle for just putting the ‘Stock’ back in NACAR.

But you don’t take into account the SYSTEM, man. Every year, the France family and a few friends lock themselves in a conference room with a bucket of wings and a case of bourbon. They come out after two things... a) the bourbon is gone, and b) they have made up some new rules to ‘improve quality’.

This is not an evolution story as much as a ‘modern humans all lost their sight’ story. I doubt humans without sight, however good their echolocation was, would have become advanced enough to make even the gun, much less a car.

In all the stock trading, all the Bitcoin hubbub, and now this, nobody seems to pay much attention to the server farms of Bitcoin miners. It’s basically like printing your own money, and nothing like that should be considered legit. I know that it is a reward for ‘solving math problems’, but some have carried it much

“Dammit, Jim. I’m a doctor, not a drummer!”

I tip my top hat to you, sir.

Fools. For that money you can go by CarMax and get an HHR. The panel version would be especially useful here, but I haven’t had my back seats upright for 3 years.

That’s the biggie. Spend the money on roads? I’ll live. Spend it on ‘infrastructure studies’, like they’ve been doing? Nope.

And that’s how JK got to be the abbreviation for ‘Joke’.

I’m assuming no ‘ad velorum’ tax. A guy here in NC paid $17,000 to register a Ferrari.

We’ve had cats 25 years. If there was actually a way to make money off cat poop, I’d have had it figured out by now.

Although not technically a wagon, you could make one heck of an Ikea run in it.

True. But mileage implies movement.

Well, I won’t buy a Rolls unless I can select ‘Gunnery Sgt.’.

HHR. Lots of headroom, space for my long legs, and symmetrical vents (you wouldn’t believe how much odd-shaped vents bug me). Yeah, the acceleration is glacial, but I love it.

My whole childhood, my Pop had this plastic cup holder that clipped to the door. He carried a Country Club Malt Liquor in it every time he drove. Not that he was a drinker, that would last him 2 days.