
Well, my version of this would involve about $4,000 and many hours of work on a ‘free’ car from my Mother.

To be correct here, I have found that having spark plugs in my car DOES give me much greater mileage than not having them.

Towing is not payload. It may be the only advantage.

On a CAX one year, this Major sent our remote Comm. unit out on one of the supporting exercises. I was the team senior, but I didn’t know enough to question why we were hooking so far around this long mountain range. While setting up, one Marine taking a leak reported this bomb laying on the other side of the road. I

Really. There hasn’t been a single German bomb ever found here in western North Carolina. Not one.

Technically, you are. An Ambulance would be for moving a still-living, but in bad shape body. There is hope. For a body, you only need a panel van.

I have the Geico app.

No mention of the Star drive you need for those old Oldsmobile brakes?

It’s usually a model thing. My car model only had one engine over a 7 year period. So the year and make was all they ever needed.

IF you follow a lot of auctions or sales, it seems to be more important WHO the car belongs to rather than what they did to it.

I’m still driving my HHR because it is roomy, economical to drive, and also because I haven’t found anything I want to replace it with.

I’m still a bit fuzzy on why we don’t do this. Other countries I’ve been to have expensive gas, but nice roads and safe bridges. And sometimes, lower taxes to make up some for it.

In Japan, it may still be that way. When I was there, motorcycle licenses were by class. You had to pass the test (and pick up from a lay-down) the size motorcycle you wanted to buy.

At first, I questioned this sort of frivolous thing as a great waste of money, considering the Tesla mess right now. But with some thought, it way work out in the long run. This guy has made himself THE name on Earth for heavy rockets. I’m sure future space contracts will make him some of that green back. Successful

Now I’m intrigued. My Pop drove Electra 225s most of my life.

Yes... I have German, Italian, and Irish relatives. I want to see what everyone’s doing. It IS a World event, let’s pretend at least there are other Countries involved.

It’s a nice car, but your ‘Rule #1' is a bit iffy. That tiny triangle is supposed to represent ‘rear coverage’. Look at an HHR. Now THAT’s cargo area window coverage.

I plan on seeing it, even though I do have reservations about a few serious plot holes.

While there are plenty of reasons to be wary of Amtrak’s procedures, some of the stories seem to be slanted. It seems that parking a dump truck on a track somehow makes that Amtrak’s fault?

It would be, if they would just bring back the HHR.