
Extended warranty has paid off for me, though. Twice.

We did, however, get a nice iPad portfolio... well, it would have been nice if any of us had iPads.

More like a lymph node.

4th: Will wrote; “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”. Well, so would a dog turd. Give us small, affordable wagons, not dropped Suburbans.

Where is “here”? Since you mention VAT. I’ve only dealt with that in Europe.

So they tell you. That’s like the whole ‘stop driving it until it’s fixed’ thing. Some of us simply can’t stop driving our cars.

Which is strange here, since diesel has always run 30 cents more that unleaded. 

Whether they are ‘official’ or have false paperwork, the concept is real. I had a cat that slept with me, and the purring put me to sleep in moments. I haven’t slept the same in the 7 years since he died.

This smells like last week’s borscht. I’ll bet there were calls, and she was told emphatically that a peacock was not allowed. But she showed up anyway. This is some kind of stunt, probably to extort something from the airline. There does need to be a line drawn.

First, I would like to say I love the look of Harleys. I’ve drooled over Electra Glides my whole life.

Well, eventually ‘real’ kids get old enough to toilet train, so technically, dogs are harder.

Well, eventually ‘real’ kids get old enough to toilet train, so technically, dogs are harder.

We have a new small, quiet vacuum, and our little mix barks and charges it the instant it comes on until it gets turned off. To use this thing on her would be like holding a small nuclear reactor.

We have a new small, quiet vacuum, and our little mix barks and charges it the instant it comes on until it gets

What did I get from this article? That I really want an XM42.

At least he’s not going; “I’m young, and black, and democrat, and I can do whatever I darn well please!”.

But, eventually you can’t keep working on that Chevy Citation for that trip to Alaska. It simply won’t do it. We’ve got a lot of metal up there, sure. But like that old Chevy, the AC is acting up, and the transmission is starting to leak, and enough things for you to start thinking about just giving it up.

Well, I personally know the Earth has been around at least 60 years!

That’s actually very true. I’m not fond of simply using it until something breaks. If a 15-year-old car gets some bad wires, likely the worst that happens is you get stuck on the side of the road. And there’s no quick way out if something breaks up there.

That’s good information, but even at a ‘fair’ price, it’s hard to get the equivalent. My 7-year-old car got hit. They totaled it, but even that wouldn’t buy a car I trust. I mean, if I treat a car right for 7 years, have absolutely no issues, how can I get a dependable car for that money?

Nah. She’s the holdout with a Buick.

Well, you do need tonneau covers. I used to haul truckloads of tonneaus around, and you have to keep them dry.