
It’s not the fact that we don’t want the dealer to make nothing, it’s just all the subterfuge behind it...

They do like American girls with big boobs.

Part of that law, at least while I was there, was to stimulate the economy. When you bought a brand new car, there was no taxes on it. The next year, there was. Then it kept going up year after year until it was cheaper to buy a new car than it was to pay taxes on a 5-year-old one. There must have been some cut-off,

He may be overstating it, but he’s pretty close. When I was on Japan, most American cars couldn’t even FIT on the roads. Alleys between buildings are actually crossroads there. There are a zillion Kei cars in the cities. Parking places won’t fit a Buick.

Funny, the NRA has around 3 million members. That means that there are over 200 million adult aged people who are NOT NRA members. Those are the ones who’s votes are going through.

Oddly enough, I, a gun owner, retired Marine, and all-round lover of things that go *boom*, agree with you. I feel quite safe at home with my revolver.

Oddly enough, Church is exactly one of the places where a carry permit forbids carrying. In fact, every time that comment is made anywhere, even the law-abiding gun owners aren’t armed.

I tried once. You have to go to a different bank. The bank your loan is through has no reason to help you save money on interest.

Sooth. Also, I wouldn’t put it past other auto companies to try their best to make the situation worse. Of course it costs a ton of cash to start something like this. Smaller number while ensuring quality would have been a lot better. I see shades of Tucker here.

Beautiful and perfect. But does it American?

So, so true. My ‘79 Toyota was the best truck I ever had.

My Pop’s had the 454 Wildcat in it! I took my drivers’ test in that.

Yeah, you can give me a hard time, but I still am in love with my HHR. The back seats are hardback, and fold down flat. It’s like a 6-foot truck bed. Just got a dryer the other day.

I spent 3 years in California, including 6 mos at Merced, where they still did all the car stuff. I don’t think it’s a “trend” if I’ve never seen or even heard of it before today.

Actually, it was. The biggest threat from the warhead would have been if it had crushed a person standing below. The arming mechanism couldn’t engage on (or below) the ground.

When’s the Galaxy S5 getting it?

Cici’s is about timing. I hate it when all they have out is some pineapple pizza, or peppers and aardvark liver. But when they roll out the good stuff, I’m happy.

Wow, such hatred. Papa John’s isn’t the World’s best pizza, I will admit. But that’s mainly because we have Elizabeth’s here, which is a delight to the taste buds.

I believe that V2V is far, far easier to implement than self-driving. V2V is just sending signals back and forth. I can see it in critical systems like braking, which is part of self-driving.

When I was there, there was no tension. Most of the population is fairly well behaved. What they considered ‘juvenile delinquency’ we wouldn’t even blink at. They’re not big on property destruction at all.