
Well, this is the best reason yet for living in a relatively sparsely populated area with no strategic targets.

Don’t be mad, but I like the front end design on the Rav4. Nicer than most out now. It’s almost as pretty as an HHR.

The first time... and every other time... I saw that I laughed. How in Hades to you present a Camry as a young, hip vehicle? Mid size 4-door sedan for kids? Yeah. They’ll be flocking to Toyota dealers now.

A bright color cannot override stupid. Someone hit, in the back mind you, my Victory Red Silverado, which was about twice as high as their car. Her story to the cops? “I didn’t see it.”.

That’s not blood. I’ve had paper cuts worse.

You’d of hated the ‘old days’ then. When I was a kid, some races could pass as demolition derbys on the last few laps of a Winston Cup race.

Nah. It’s almost staged, with plenty of crew members to pull everyone apart without any real fighting. Just yelling, arm waving, and bad-mouthing at a press release. I’ve never seen one drop of blood at these things.

Not quite a valid comparison. Illegal gun transfers have no paperwork. Just wander around the parking lot at a big gun show.

A truly certified inspector would have failed the Murano for being too ugly.

I was told when I was in Japan that the Japanese are notoriously picky when it comes to large purchases. They will inspect, measure, open everything, and generally practically tear a car apart before they buy one. Americans, however, will just glance at most things.

Good question(s). At the first VW Plant, a Rabbit passed final inspections and was rolled out minus a back windshield. If certified inspectors can still make mistakes, what about these guys?

While part of statement could be taken as a rant, I am forced to agree with you. I saw in person one of the new Enfield motorbikes, and man, what a horrible quality job.

I think I saw that.... anime.

The lights are pretty. But just when you thought the grille couldn’t get any uglier...

They are probably not all lazy, but the union takes it upon themselves to protect the bad ones as well as the good. At my Wife’s former company, a person was caught too many times napping in the back. He was fired. Union representative was coaching him... “Just what chemicals were you exposed to that made you sleepy?”.

It’s a small truck with a 5,000 pound payload. Obviously, the gun mount is in the accessory shop.

Our Kia dealer doesn’t have ANY of these on the lot. If so, there would be one less after I found out.

I have no interesting Driver’s Ed story. We used small Chevys. I was a perfect student, did everything correctly, and passed with flying colors.

Don’t bring that up. When my Wife about needed a footstool to get into the Silverado, I knew it’s days were numbered.

I know it’s proper here to bad-mouth the SUV and CUV trend, but there’s a good reason for it, and that is that people can’t afford as many cars as before. In my ‘big’ days, once we owned a coupe, wagon, and pickup. At one time, we had as many as 4 different vehicles. Maybe not all new and fancy, but we had a vehicle