
Clearly more people should be way into trophy truck racing.

Actually, it is because of aesthetic. High beltlines and the generally bloated look of modern cars means they frankly look like a fat man with tiny feet when you put more reasonably-sized wheels on. If bigger wheels wete the best performance choice, why are race cars running 15s-18s almost exclusively?

I never will understand folks who put 20” rims on a truck. 

Low profiles ride like shit. Way, way too hard.

The off road packages with 20s are especially silly.

Tires with bigger sidewalls can take more abuse, and they also look better.

It’s not the tire that makes it look cheap. It’s the shitty looking wheel.

Try that in Detroit.

17" with taller sidewalls is the limit. I don’t even run the 19" that came with my car, I swapped those out ASAP for 17" with a taller sidewall.

They look better and the ride is softer on our Michigan 3rd world nation suffering a civil war style roads.

Don't forget, more sidewall = better ride and cheaper tires (to a point).  There is literally no downside (unless you are trying to fit over massive brakes but honestly how big do you need in most cars?)

50's used to be low profile!

Been listening to James May’s mother, I see

Where’s the petition? I’ll sign it.

You know, it is nuts. Everyone says “low profile tires are required for performance!” Well, not all performance cars have low profile tires. (admittedly, these tire profiles are mandated, but you can’t tell me that your Hyundai with 1" high sideways can outperform this vehicle with the fat sidewalls).

If I uploaded proprietary information at my company to a personal device or service that made it accessible outside of the company security system, I’d be fired, sued, or both. Not sure how this guy is justifying his actions in his head.

“the truth of this case is that Cao has done precisely nothing with Tesla’s IP,”

They don't offer a Suburban fighter with any motor. 

Hi David,

I never thought there would be a day where a Ram was the most tasteful option in the pickup market. 

It’s appropriate that the brand that started the whole “my pickup has to look like a semi” thing would be the one to move away from it.

You have it backwards.