
It was always pretty clear a lot of these revolutionary tunnels were gonna be bogus, but when Musk started meeting with government officials in FLORIDA about building tunnels, that’s when it became crystal clear to me.

And half the housing is painted with maroon and white accents.

If one acre of land is $1251 in Jasper County, MS
Five acres of land is $1200 in Hudspeth County, TX

Then why is Jasper County first in the list… since an acre in Hudspeth County is less than 1/5 the price?

god forbid we just publish a list

You missed at least 2: Toyota Tacoma and Jeep Gladiator.

that worked out so well for them last time.

I’m more of a one-stop-shop guy.

So this is really a replacement for the Journey, not the Dart. 


There has been a leaked photo even, however it still has Alfa wheels at this stage.

Based on the photos of the Alfa, this will be yet another CUV, not a car. :(

A picture of the vehicle it will be based on, and therefore look like, would have been cool.

Stop pushing the narrative that Dodge was cringey. It was fun and we should be happy that a car company exists that seems to want to make fun cars.

This. That 1600ti in particular is the only car on the list I could see dropping the kind of coin it was bought for.

2003 best looking? Hell no.

Believe it or not, you couldn’t build the 1600ti for what it sold for. It’s not a track toy, Korman is more of an early Singer/Alfaholics outfit. 1600ti is one of the rarest 02 models to start with, there isn’t another on BAT to compare. The S38 will cost you 15k now if you’re lucky, then you have to pay for the

I am confident that the 19 year old delivery protection film on that SVT Mustang will be easy to remove and leave the finish in better condition than if it were removed just after purchase in 2003. /s

I both get and don’t get the Geo Metro.
On the one hand, once you have a small convertible in your fleet, you always want to have one. And there aren’t that many to choose from; convertibles have not been a popular category with manufacturers in many years.

On the other hand, there *are* choices, and this is one of the

Anyone remember America’s Army? The online FPS literally made by the US Army as a recruiting tool? Also, I looked it up, assuming there was only one of these games, but there are actually 3 mainline sequels, two spinoffs, and a fifth sequel allegedly still in development. Jesus.

Yeah it seems kind of insane to imply that people today aren’t less sedentary than ever when literally every doctor, scientist, medical publication, hospital, school, etc. on the planet pretty much agrees that’s an unmitigated fact.