
As a big fan of D&D, and a bigger fan of R&M, I cannot overstate how much no one needs this.

It’s going to appeal to a poseur, a boulevard cruiser, not a legit off-roader. Even David Tracy choked on his cereal this morning. 

I also want them to do another Prowler, but with a proper drivetrain this time. That thing was possibly the best looking car from FCA in decades.

Definitely Pontiac; they were really just getting good.

Without wanting to go down that particular rabbit hole, those of us detached enough knew how Trump’s presidency was going to turn up. Sure, he still surprises us on an almost daily basis, but those surprises are unsurprising.

I’d rather bring back pre-GM Saab.

This is Jalopnik. The correct answer is Saab. 

This is a simply outstanding pioneering thrust westward made even better now with the addition of the brothers Tracy!

But can the POStal engine handle compression braking?

To be honest repairing this thing properly would mostly involve lighting it on fire and walking away slowly with a cool song playing in the background.

I’m in Colorado and I have a turbo off a Golf R not being used for anything. You could haphazardly weld it onto this to get over the mountains, I don’t see what could possibly go wrong.

The driver’s door keeps sliding open...

Let’s go! Pedal through the metal!

You jest, but some strategic leaking probably wouldn’t be the worst thing for these companies to think about. Done properly it could help them make better decisions, and avoid P.R. nightmares when a game launches in rough shape.

“Did EA’s executives really care about narrative? Did they really care about RPGs?”

Jason, honey, you’re blowing us away with these back to back insider reports. Never stop snooping in these times of turbulence for the better.

Screw trying to weld to that swiss cheese, get yourself some square stock and start from scratch, it’ll be easier.

This title is dangerously close to clickbait. It makes Seinfeld out like he’s a jerk and trying to screw people. As stated in the article after the click, Jerry didn’t do anything wrong. Jerry is just asking the folks crying that they prove it isn’t what it’s supposed to be. 

FICA FRIO? probably an investment firm that used somebody else’s money to I vest in “assets” realized that paid too much for the car, or that the market is going down.

“I’d love to know how far he could get before something fails catastrophically.”