
If something out of the ordinary happened to Williams’ balls, it makes sense for Rex Ryan to be as ambiguous as possible. No reason to lose Karlos for four games.

The Americans had it first! My 71 Vette does the same thing. Take off from a stop light and that little small block is the biggest gas guzzler in the world, using up a quarter tank just to get moving. However, the brakes have a cool regen feature that will create gas out of thin air to top that tank right back off at

You know where a great place to keep that bottle of water is? Easily accessible without taking your eyes off the road or bending over? In the cup holder.

So that is where the 710 fluid goes.......

I need to build up experience as a local art thief first... Bored middle aged moms who live in the mountains and like to paint will be devastated. And then on to the Louvre!

For now... but only until an art museum opens near me

Vandy is going to crush the SEC down to the bottom of the sea, and then drink mint julips on their golden yacht until they have to urinate down upon the Tide.

The SEC even does media guide errors better. On page 178, after Vanderbuilt’s schedule, they accidentally left in ‘BLESS THEIR HEARTS’.

That Jeep is more like a member of the family. It wasn’t stolen; it was kidnapped.

The lowest point of his life was in January 2008.

“How Do Cars Feel When You Touch Them?”

Man, we’re really getting some Altitude with these puns. With as many models as there could be, the possibilities are really Unlimited...

I have a friend that really wants a vert SUV, I can really See Jay in one...

The Jeep Wrangler would like a word with you...

Jee, if only someone could Wrangle up some sort of convertible SUV...Maybe someone might even form a small aftermarket for them...

Outside of rush hour traffic, 55 might seem reasonable.

“All of this in the absence of traffic, of course. “

I get that banning fake colleges is better for the game, but I’m going to miss watching UNC.

FBI, ORGANIZED CRIME UNIT: Alright Gatling, spill the beans. Who’re you working with?

There's no way West Virginians would be able to name another state.