
GM once employed a whole zoo. They had monkeys doing the car manuals, peacocks in the design department, elephants on the manufacturing floor, etc... It was around the time that Fred Flintstone worked there. His favorite part of the job was when his supervisor pulled the tail on a bird, who would squawk so loudly,

Lettuce - no. Mushrooms - yes. And if you're feeling adventurous, throw a couple thin slices of salami on the griddle for a second and then put them on the bottom of the roll before the steak.

Great catch. Total boner on my part.

"Improved" normally implies getting better over time, not getting fatter over time. If getting fatter means improvement, then I should get the "most improved Jalopnik reader" award.

Nashville, TN is the worst I've seen. Little dusting happens up to a few times a year, and damn does everyone freak the hell out.

Yes. Compartmentalizing profit centers is a short-sighted mistake. Even if Chevy lost $5k in directly traceable costs on each ZR1, I'll bet someone could argue the halo and the R&D still ended up beneficial to the business as a whole.

Track Day Cars:

PR/security resolved this with many strips of Scotch tape

Waiter: Perhaps a dessert?
Manning: Sure any recommendations?
Waiter: A Turnover?
Manning: :/

I'm a fan of the first generation Bronco and the modular motor.

I'm going go with NP, uncut fenders, modern engine all the notorious rust issues fixed. Some may find it expensive, but to me it is a poor man's ICON Bronco and who doesn't want an ICON Bronco?

How about this:

I don't see any Key Lime Pie.

The BMW M1, it led to so many cars that we all love here, for example almost every M5, so far every M3, and many others. So M1 is what I am thankful for because it created the M brand.

I am thankful for Jeeps.. I love them. all of them.. well, almost. (I'm looking at you patriot)

BMW M3. Glorious driving pleasure.

I'll just sit here and wait for the Gladiator.