This is true. Very true.
This is true. Very true.
I hope this story has a happy ending.
Good point, but some of us still need doors sometimes. What if you could still get half doors and if the doors are still easy to remove? Would you buy that for a dollar?
1. Tinkering is no longer possible
Bah. Just last Sunday I switched my summer gearshift knob (billet) to my winter one (the leather number from a Mustang). Sure it's not much, hardly a thing at all, but I was completely enamored with the stupid thing for several hours (like I am every year)
Love these old Jeeps. Got a problem underneath? Get a buddy, turn the thing over and take a look. When done, turn it back over. You won't even notice any damage.
There have been almost as many permutations of the TV show CSI as there have been of BMW coupes carrying that…
Yes a steering wheel... Old cars had levers....also , kill yourself .
I've heard stories from fellow auto writers pressing Toyota about what to do about the FJ Cruiser's gas numbers and they've always dodged the question. Which means they weren't planning to do anything at all. That said, now that we no longer have the FJ Cruiser or the Honda Element, the "fun truck" market is…
Each player took two shots and left so they'd get used to exiting after the second round.
Recommend if you think "Callawagon" would be a better name for this.
Okay. What about the last four weeks?
Does this mean they won't be bursting into flames but electocuting the drivers instead?
Perfect, I'm a leg man.
To each his own, but that red interior is just too much...