
profitable. It means Profitable.

When you see it...

Damnit. I can't find it. If anyone else can, please ad it in here.

I always thought they were powered by the rider's sense of self-importance.

Same here. Just like those nouveau riche city dwellers who pay others to farm, process and store their food? I mean, if you're serious about your eating you really should be raising your own crops and animals. I know someone will be offended, but some people just can't ranch.

Unfortunately for the Frenchists, the next vehicles imported from Germany also doesn't meet the new regulations.

by that logic though, we'd have to include staten island....

Any Modified Jeep. I have all sorts of people from grandma's to young kids wave, take pictures, high Five, and start conversations with me, because they love my Jeep.

The owners.

I don't even understand the notion that they sell 2wd wranglers....let alone when people do this.

I just read thru 60+ responses and you're the only one that said Wrangler (so far). What's wrong with these people? That's the only SUV I'd dare to own! Everyone must be looki for the "oh yeah!" response to the point that they're avoiding the obvious answer here.

Jeep wrangler all day everyday

I have a set of those wheels in my garage! They are made by ARE and are 13x8.

Front mounted horse heads. You're not fooling anyone, asshole.

I would think almost any running, well cared for car with good mileage is worth around $4000 in the post-Cash for Clunkers/post Sandy/post global economic downturn environment, the fact that it's a classic Eagle only makes it more certain.

Audi TT's get gigantism too?

My jeep is pretty much good at both.

Too bad he hits that Mercedes while parking.

You've missed the point of the show: Ruby IS Max's mother. Having had a child at a very young age, and being left by the father, she had a psychotic break and is now convinced that she is simply a doting older sister, like a normal rabbit family. On the advice of a therapist, Ruby's mother has assumed the title of

"Normally a car wouldn't stay in the same location for very long. "