
I don’t know where you’re getting over a million. Bill took in just under 105M from 2001 - 2013 over 500+ speaking engagements. So his average speaking fee comes out to a little over $193,000. I’m sure some came in higher and some came in lower, but it’s pretty audacious to claim that such speaking fees must be quid

Becoming President will have an enriching effect on anyone, just by the virtue of making you an in-demand public figure. Typically, you see these things post-presidency. Many former presidents do speaking engagements or write a book... which would, of course, be a guaranteed best-seller by virtue of their status.

Are you insane? You think the reason that a former 2-term U.S. President got big fees for speaking engagements was because his wife was a Senator?? A former president is literally the most prestigious public speaker you can book. The only person on EARTH who might rival that would be the Pope.

You know what, cunt? I fucking care.

Except that wasn’t my argument. At all. I acknowedged the perjury charge, but stated that dressing it up as obstruction of justice was a stretch.

No, that has not in any way been “proven.”

Except that, even in the circumstances you describe, that would not pass muster as an impeachable offense. It’s not even a criminal offense. So they got him lying about it under oath and dolled it up as perjury and obstruction. And, yes, I understand that it IS perjury, but pretending that lying about a non-criminal

You seem to be holding this case to a MUCH higher threshold of proof than I imagine you afforded Clinton’s email server or Benghazi.

We shouldn’t care that the campaign staff of the current President of the United States knowingly sought the help of a hostile foreign power to secure the seat of power at home?

Hey, you’re getting a lot of angry responses and I don’t think they’re helping anything. You seem like a nice person who probably just isn’t getting the full scope of news in Israel, so I thought I’d just kindly fill you in without attacking you.

Obama hasn’t publicly joked about having sex with his daughters or about dating his daughters. Trump has done both. A LOT.

Dude, my sincerest congratulations on your Phd from Semantics University.

Ah. I honestly can’t speak to the legitimate quality of one over the other. I was just parroting criticisms I’ve heard from Camera dept. people. I should have been clear that those were not my views, but things I’ve heard.

Or, just suppose, that Occam’s Razor holds true and the person dressed like a man in that photo that was taken in Japan is, as the setting would imply, Japanese?

It’s pretty much split into three groups: Those on the left who are 100% convinced that Trump colluded with Russia...

That is clearly a Japanese man crouched there. Dressed in exactly the same clothes as the guy with the headband. This is just a case of someone looking for evidence to support a conclusion and seeing what they wanted.

Yeah, it’s a nice list. And a tiny percentage of what gets shot. I mean, in Atlanta alone, there are about 40-60 productions running right at this very moment. Add LA, NY, NOLA, Vancouver, London, Toronto... you’re looking at a LOT of productions around the world. And most of them are being shot on Alexa, I assure

Yeah, don’t get me wrong... I’d kill to have a RED myself. The negative points I brought up weren’t meant as criticisms, they were just what the DPs and other crew I’ve talked to have said about them.

I’m not a DP at all but here in Atlanta, I have never once seen a RED on set. And most of the people I talk to—who are pretty much universally based out of LA—truly scoff at the idea of using RED. I also haven’t worked on low budget/indie stuff, so there may be more usage there. And, according to another commenter,