
Jennifer Connolly was my 90s choice for Wonder Woman. Like, in the 90s, I said she should play Wonder Woman. So this fake movie would have been better to cast someone else as Lois. Demi Moore, maybe.

Could be. I haven’t worked on a Netflix production. Noted.

I’ll pass that on to every Director of Photography, Camera crew and sound department I’ve ever met.

It’s true now. I work in the film industry and it’s rare to come across a RED. In fact, I’ve never worked on anything that used a RED. Every single production I have been involved with shot on Alexa, except one which shot film.

I don’t live in Hollywood. But I work in the film industry. And mentioning a RED camera to a DP is going to get you laughed at or given a scornful look in most cases. Also: the sound department hates them.

To be fair, most people in Hollywood hate Red cameras. They’re loud, they overheat, and they’re largely unreliable. 95% of all DPs use the Arri Alexa.

Fun story: Before shooting a single frame (and real frames, no less: it was shot on film), 90% of the movie was done as an animatic with all the final music in place. These animatics were used as reference by pretty much everyone involved in the production. If someone had a question about something, the answer was

This topic has already been expertly covered:

I kinda want to agree with you, but I can’t bring myself to get behind “able-washing” being a thing. It sounds like made-up outrage. And, if it’s not, it’s at least a VERY stupid phrase.

Okay, look: even if I could somehow survive without food or drink, why would I want to?? Eating is one of the true joys in life! I mean, unless you’re one of those people who only eats fast food and microwave meals, then you just have no idea what you’re depriving yourself of. But actual good food? Oh, god, it’s the

I always have AirPods in when exercising. The sound quality is nothing to scoff at and they always stay comfortably in my ears with no problem. I do acknowledge, however, that I have abnormally small ears.

Well, the settles it. I’m going downstairs right now to brew a cup of Earl Gray in the $6 kettle I got at a thrift store.

Yes, it’s much better that these people who disagree with the views of Trump give up their access to him and forfeit any chance of influencing him just to send a message.

I’m a sucker for the antagonist not knowing who the fuck they’re fucking with, especially when the audience is in on the secret. Like the Bruce Wayne: Murderer storyline where Bruce Wayne goes to prison for murder. The scene where a bunch of inmates go to fuck up the rich boy gets me all tingly in anticipation.

But it was completely unnecessary. It adds nothing. It could have been “holy shit, this kid is STRONG in the force, we need to train him!”

I still have yet to check that show out. It’s been in the periphery of my interest for a while, though.

You’re right. The Azor Ahai thing isn’t bad at all. But I think it fits with my “b” exception. They’re religious zealots, looking for someone to fit the prophecy and finding people that fit everywhere they look. That’s what bloody happens. Mostly in ASOIAF, prophecies aren’t driving the story and I don’t usually have

Sure it does. It’s lazy bloody storytelling. It’s a writer saying “Right, I can’t be bothered to think up a way to make my character interesting and/or a way to set up a good conflict... so I’ll just say there was a prophecy! That’s right, if my character was born during a solar eclipse to a mother who died in

I love GoT (and ASOIAF) but I fucking hate prophecies. Prophecies are the very laziest plot device ever invented. They’re most often used in lieu of a real and believable character motivation or as a shorthand way to make characters and events seem more important than they are/need to be.

Wait, I thought butter was good for you now...?