
Supergirl was a completely different situation. First, CBS cancelled the show and the CW then picked it up. They didn’t lose Flockhart over budget, but over the decision to move the show to Canada. She didn’t want to leave LA.

None of this will come to pass.

No, Doom Patrol S2 didn’t start filming til earlier this year (maybe as far back as December, I can’t remember...) but it’s no where near done filming.

Doom Patrol just started filming in Jan or Feb, and is now shut down with all other productions, so they’re not as far along as you migh think. Don’t know about Titans, though... 

Gizmodo/io9 seems to have something against Stargirl... all of the coverage has had a somewhat negative bent to it, and I just can’t understand why. The show is going to be amazing. It’s pretty much humor, action and drama in exactly the right proportions. And it looks FAR better than any of the CW fare, visually. 

Are you outta your damn mind? The supersuits on Stargirl are some of the best live-action DC suits yet. Definitely better than any we’ve seen In any of the CW shows. I’ve seen them in person. I’ve touched them. They’re amazing.

You’re neglecting to consider the sheer amount of sweat generated by 10 minutes inside even the simplest of costumes. No one’s feeling sexy when they pull off a costume.

I think the Titans logo flashed by at the end of the HBO Max promo video.

I’m working on Stargirl. Spoiler: It’s going to be awesome.

Yeah, well, she’s a demoralizing shithead who causes chaos everywhere she goes and tries to blame others when she goes crazy over budget. So, yeah, fuck her.

Sadly, I don’t know too much. I worked on a different show with her and, because she didn’t give a shit about superheroes, she didn’t really talk about her time on Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist or Defenders. She did let me know that she didn’t care about those shows, though. Often.

I’m really upset about the new Production Designer. She worked as an Art Director on a lot of the Marvel Netflix shows, but doesn’t give half a shit about the subject matter. At all. Never informed herself about the characters or who they’re supposed to be. Never even watched a single MCU movie or show.

I don’t see anything wrong with it. It looks really good, even in person.

I love the running TL-name gag, but you can stop. You struck gold with Trashcan Lannister. That is her name in my head for all time now.

That’s a planned upgrade.

It’s actually a fully-articulated foam latex facial prosthetic with facial haired a lace-front wig laid over. And it does have gigantic ears, they’re just obscured by the hair in these shots.

I don’t understand the choice to use a drawing by Dale Keown as the header for an article about Rob Liefeld returning to Marvel. Obviously, I get that the drawing is of a Liefeld-created character, but maybe use a Liefeld drawing of Cable? Couldn’t find a good one? GOOD. That will help illustrate what a terrible idea

Whatever happened with the Dragon*Con photo dump you said was coming?

That would be true if they were alleging copyright violation. In this case, however, it will be based on the Sesame Street trademark, which includes protections for anything that is deemed to be derivative or confusing to the customer. All they have to prove is that it presents a reasonable amount of confusion with

Yes, this is 100% correct. He was talking about highest-grossing R-Rated films. Nothing to do with “February surprises”