The noses are different, man.
EXACTLY! It was so disgustingly manipulative to use an actual statistic and wordsmith it to misrepresent victims. Such a garbage human. Bill really should have called him on more of his bullshit. I honestly didn’t feel like he fawned over him until the Hitchens crap and of course the “that’s reasonable” response to…
I am glad I am not the only one that noticed his phrasing. Something the Liberals do not realize is you aren’t making this guy look bad. TO his base they see whatever Milo says is truth and everything his oppositions says evil weak willed politically correct lies. By debating them these liberals like Maher are in fact…
Guess what? Christmas is a fucking holiday. One that is part of a “holiday season” that includes other holidays. “Happy Holidays” is a way of saying “Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah and Happy New Year!” It is inclusive. It does NOT mean “Fuck Christmas.”
How did the Mercury Topaz make the top ten? I don't think I have seen one in the past five years. The driver of the one remaining Topaz must be terrible.
a) I wasn't paid to write a long post about how to develop your career as a write. I'm writing short comments on an article. I don't have a responsibility to offer complete reporting.
Hey all... This is my workspace. There are some comments about what the keyboard goes on in the standing position. When I first took these photos, I wasn't elevating them at all. That was an option because I'm pretty short (5'3"). But it did get uncomfortable after prolonged periods, so for now I'm using a breakfast…
This was my question, as well. I have that same desk at home, and would love to know the solution for raising the keyboard.
Exactly! Otherwise it looks very nice.
Help me out here, I don't see how the keyboard raises when you stand. If the keyboard doesn't raise, this seems like an excessive write up for a monitor arm and the equivalent of a lava lamp.