That's the point... Who is this best for? It's a laptop that turns into a laptop with a touchscreen on top.
That's the point... Who is this best for? It's a laptop that turns into a laptop with a touchscreen on top.
It's not about the interface. It's about the lame swivel-around screen that lays flat on the keyboard so that, even as a tablet, the thing is as fat as a laptop.
Wow. So now Dell's big "innovation" is to crib laptop/hybrid design notes from 2002?
Eh. I find it boring an uninspired. I guess that's why it says "Dell" on it.
Apple created FireWire and co-created Thunderbolt. Sure, one's a dead standard and the other is just coming in to the light, but they're still standards.
But this isn't an ad popping up in a search. If I typed "iPad" into the search field and got Nexus 7 results or ads, that would be an issue.
No, it really couldn't come to that. Because there are things like licensing. Companies, including Apple, share patents ALL THE TIME. Apple and Microsoft have a cross-patent deal. Each gets to use some innovations of the other, sometimes in even exchange for the patents they get in return, some for a nominal fee per…
I've noticed a lot of Samsung apologists using is line of thinking, but it's incredibly narrow-sighted. Samsung wasn't fined for violating a black rectangle patent. Samsung was fined for violating a giant stack of patents that they were implementing in an identical manner to form a product that bore a striking…
Christ on a cracker. You, and nearly everyone replying to you is missing the ENTIRE point. Any one patent can look frivolous and silly, but when you step back and look at the whole picture, you see DOZENS of these little things assembled to exactly copy the iPhone. And why does everyone gloss over the 132 page…
Dude... what I'm about to say will probably come across as snarky, but I genuinely mean it as a friendly piece of advice:
Vague similarities of products manufactured a half-century apart based on a shared design philosophy (Braun's head designer, Dieter Rams, is held by a great many industrial designers the world over as the gold standard) is not the same, especially when you consider that those similar products aren't analogous to one…
It would be a losing battle because Apple had Xerox's blessing to use the GUI.
I think if you look at almost any single complaint against Samsung, they look ridiculous and petty.... But when you look at them all together, as a cohesive whole, it paints a very very clear picture of willful duplication. Everything from hardware to software to packaging and accessories.
Just a few minor corrections to your mostly excellent and accurate account:
Well said.
It's not self-entitled to want people to show some common fucking courtesy to others. The douchebags taking up all the seating all day are the self-entitled ones.
But how are you liking it? Think you'll convert, or are you trading up the instant there's another option that meets your needs?
iPhone leaks aren't as fun without being able to picture the righteous tirade of Steve Jobs shouting at a room full of soon-to-be-fired supply-chain execs for allowing parts to trickle out into the light of the public eye.