
I never advocated name calling, I only said that thinking someone is a moron is more valid than sexist accusations. That said, if a mentally handicapped person is reading and commenting on Gizmodo, then they're doing pretty well, even if they do come across as a moron.

If Twitter will just make an app that syncs your last position in the timeline across devices, I will gladly forsake all others.

Your comment implies that commenters and staff should not be able to post opinions that you disagree with. That has zero to do with what Molly's post is about. I don't think Molly cares if people disagree with her. Her issue, and the issue shared by all civilized people, is with people discrediting her work because of

A limited term exclusivity agreement would not equate to the investor holding the patent.

I don't know much about this stuff, but is it possible Apple actually develops the technology as seen above, and then finds a supplier (Samsung, Sharp) with the means to implement it and hires them to manufacturer the tech developed at Apple?

I think you mean "Next month's expected release of the sixth-gen version"

Nope. Xerox PARC was responsible for the first GUI and mouse. Prior to that, Steve Wozniak was the guy who, single-handedly, created the first computer with a keyboard and localized display. But okayyyyy.

To be fair, Apple DID invent the personal computer as we know it. If you define a computer as "a central processing unit with a keyboard for input and a monitor for output" then, yeah... That's 100% Apple.

This is not Apple's list of infringements. It's Samsung's internal memo outlining 130 things that THEY think the iPhone does better, with clear instructions on every page to implement these features in the way Apple has. While there are several clear cases in this document of direction to implement an Apple-patented

Apparently 132 things.

Doesn't it?

Who does Acer think they're threatening? If Microsoft's partners made better products, Microsoft wouldn't feel the need to. But here's the thing: Microsoft doesn't have to worry about their partners. No one else is making and licensing an OS for them to jump to. Nor are they likely to. Sure, there's Linux, but didn't

I think it's pretty uninformed to say that Apple is only innovating in case design. You're saying that others have out-innovated in the tablet and smartphone areas, but the iPhone still carried the highest consumer approval rating of any smartphone, though I'll give you that there are some phones that possibly have

Unfortunately, you can't Airplay content to your AppleTV...only audio. Boo.

I don't think it's a childish leftover from the 40's. I think it's a 75 year old icon. It's a little more streamlined here, a little sleeker, and absolutely necessary. My biggest complaint about the Routh suit was that the S wasn't big enough. To me, that giant S emblazoned across his chest is the best thing about the

Possibly. Though, I think it would be a far more legitimate law suit than most of them.

I do. Not only is there no wifi where I work (yes, I use my iPad at work. Don't judge me) but some hotspots are so slow, I end up turning off wifi and using my LTE because it's a lot faster.

This has been baked into iOS since the release of the iPhone in 2007. You can try it yourself. Sometimes, you'll find yourself unable to select a letter at all, while its neighbors encroach on it's territory.

Jailbroken AppleTV, running XBMC. But thinking about getting a Roku also.

Well, on my 2009 Unibody MBP, it's exceedingly jaggy, despite using up a top of CPU.