
Where I come from grandmothers don’t have couches. They have sofas. Or davenports. Occasionally a settee. Never a couch.


I’ve always had a rule: Never listen to anything someone says if they’re dressed in the same material a grandmother’s couch is upholstered with.

I mean, fuck if you want to get in the weeds with me, the entire concept of bearing arms during the time the constitution was written was in relation to military participation.

To “bear arms” has a strictly military meaning at the time and our famed “orignalist” Fuck face Scalia disregards that in his opinions.

The 2nd

Let’s rewind the clock to about 1980 or so. Reagan picks up the baton of an anti-government platform from Barry Goldwater, after Goldwater’s acolytes effectively assumed control of the GOP. What followed was a systematic expungement of anyone and everyone that didn’t toe the party line, ultimately leading to the

Yeah, libs always seem to conveniently forget the clause in the Civil Rights Act that implanted nanobots into all the racists’ brains that permanently changed their racist opinions.

Bernie Madoff?

Assuming that Jeff Flake was telling the 100% truth about everything (like the first response-in-grey you’ve got), he STILL would be dangerously unqualified based purely on his unhinged senate testimony. I wouldn’t buy a car from someone who acted like that, much less trust him in a courtroom.

Hey, the FBI spent three whole days “investimagating” this!  Nevermind that the accuser and accused weren’t even interviewed...

Has the ever been a more appropriately named human being, or for that matter, object or concept in the entire universe, than Jeff Flake?

You don’t know, eh? Kavanaugh quite obviously lied, unless you believe that:

Anyone who supports Trump, regardless of reasons, is no better than the “nationalists” who claimed they were just “following orders” or “being patriots” at Nuremberg...and that defense didnt save them from justice and the hangman’s noose.

After condemning “radical Democrats,” Trump asked the crowd, “You know what a globalist is, right?” After leaving a several second silence, filled with boos, he continued, “A globalist is a person who wants the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much.”

Don’t forget the Clean, Beautiful Coal!

Valdez is a complete nonentity in the race. I’ve seen no ads for her at all. I’ve seen ads for the Lt Gov, AG, for Senators and House of Rep candidates, but not a peep from her campaign. I mean, I’m voting for her still but it’s really puzzling how little they are even trying. 

Not necessarily. Given that Twitter has a character limit, it’s perfect for simple-minded fucking idiots who couldn’t write a book report on Frog and Toad. That’s why it’s also perfect for Trump, he can plaster it with complete and utter bullshit, and not elaborate on any of it, because his followers don’t need it.

Also, here is a list of various items that Trump has called “beautiful.

I want someone on here to explain to me this: