
Neo-colonialist’ doesn’t seem to be exactly the right term in this instance. Reid could have labelled Jenkins a ‘Tom’, ‘House Negro’, ‘Sellout’ or ‘Race Traitor’ but it seems he wanted to bring particular focus to the exploitative economic structure in which he and Jenkins are enmeshed. ‘Flunkey’, ‘Lackey’ and ‘Quisli

When you tell your wife “Calm down” when you are arguing, I’ll bet it confuses you when it makes her angrier.

in the 2014 gubernatorial election the Republican got 1.34 million votes and the Democrat got 1.13 million votes.

The Governor of Michigan shut down a lot of the polling places in Detroit, possibly explaining Trump winning Michigan. Don’t know what happened in PA but that’s two out of the three big states Trump won that happened because of voter suppression

The media and other political campaign ‘experts’ still like to criticize Hillary for not campaigning hard enough or often enough in Wisconsin and Michigan without a single fucking word about voter suppression which was RAMPANT in both those states and in North Carolina. In North Carolina they specifically stated they

Yeah, if you’re with the party suppressing democracy and the republic, you’re in a bad party.

I think it’s even worse than that. The way these stories get written, it’s almost like the media just accepts that voter suppression is just another perfectly valid tactic a party can use to win an election.

So rather than trying to deny it happens (impossible) voter suppression instead gets reframed as something like:

Nonsense. He can call out whoever he wants in a public forum. People who are subversive to a movement don’t get a pass just because they are black. And if you think the oppressor is gonna let up if all black people get along and publically agree on everything then I don’t think you have a clue how oppression works. 

Thank you for saying this. Every time people say well, Hillary didn’t do this or that I’m like helloooo!!!!! Wisconsin dissenfranchized thousands of Black voters.

If you don’t live in Georgia, contribute financially to Stacey Abrams’s campaign. I don’t live in Georgia, but with Kemp and his scum brigade stealing citizens’ right to vote, a right that so many of my people fought and died for, the least I can do is send a little bit of money to try to help Stacey win.

Right, we have to agree about everything, or at least pretend we do. Eye roll emoji. This take is as butt as Malcom Jenkins team

The reality TV guy is now saying that politicians are “totally unqualified” for politics.  Ummm, k.

No, no it’s not. This is a black man who has had his livelihood directly threatened because he spoke out, who is living in a country where the president supports white power, and where black activists like him are under government surveillance.

You made me think of this comic:

“if you want to talk to me about how I drew you as a pickaninny, you are welcome to miss your team bus and drag your exhausted, injured body up to where I am am tweeting about you, otherwise I am clearly in the right”.

One of the great frustrations of these things is that the political reporters either toss it off as “something that happens in elections” or frame it in such a way that the fact that it’s an attempt to suppress people of color’s votes isn’t a provable fact but merely an “accusation” or a “some people say” type story

Democratic rule of thumb: in the absence of any other info, vote for the person who is defending your right to fucking vote.

This race is neck and neck. If he ekes out a win (via voter suppression, or whatever other tricks he has up his sleeve through the election), then it’s just another sign that democracy is well and truly dead in America. I’ll wait until 2020 to call it, but this is the scariest part of it all. We’ve already accepted

The only place less diverse than Louisville I've lived is Northern Minnesota. Diverse compared to what is key.