
...and children.  

Must be a scary time to be a man....who has raped women.

Then surely you’ll be pleased to note that there was not one instance of grave desecration noted in the article (either this one or the AP one linked).  

Anyone remember how no graveyard would allow the bodies of the Boston bomber to be buried in them because it was “War on America”? Take down the stones, and turn the land over into something more useful. If any bodies get dug up then toss them in the ocean with Bin Laden.

Those are the wrong flags. They should all be white. 

This is like a Chuck Norris joke but funny

I am so very here for re-writing Chuck Norris memes for Simone Biles.

The other day I saw gravity at Barnes & Noble looking for a book on Simone Biles.

 I love her so much. Thanks for providing that slow motion version, because I could not understand what I was seeing, lol. 

My daughter has been in gymnastics/ cheer/ power tumbling world for 10 years, and I still can’t always tell how many rotations and what skills are going on. Biles in slo mo looks like most gymnasts on a regular routine.

Even in slow motion she’s moving really, really fast.

I don’t know what she did or how she did it, but how do I get a Simone Biles jersey?

If I was an Olympic level woman gymnast, I would send Simone Biles a book on gravity because she doesn’t seem to understand how it works.

Honestly her double double layout (and even her silivas) embarrasses 98% of men in MAG already.

Can we see her fool around with rings or the pommel horse at some point? Or would that be too humiliating for the entire sport of men’s gymnastics?


A lot of times when I see a person who’s much shorter than me, I think, “I wonder how many of that person I could take on in a fight and hold my own.” This is usually something I think about at my 6-year old’s soccer games.