
Why are Republicans going to settle for “Republican Lite”? Why are Democrats going to vote for someone who supports a rapist?

literally no one would be complaining that he didn’t do what he needed to do to win if he voted no. i will never understand the obsession neoliberals have with trying to court the mythical undecided centrist six weeks before the election instead of actually getting people with progressive views to see enough optimism

At that point in his career, Burton was doing anything and everything for a buck (shortly after this, he did the humiliating stage production of Private Lives in both NY and LA., opposite ex wife Elizabeth Taylor. They both made a fortune, but straight off of it, she ended up in Betty Ford and he ended up dead).

Yuck! What was Burton thinking going along with this.

He’s actually about 45 % better. He voted with Trump about 55 % of the time.

This long forgotten film should tell you a lot: at 16, she was cast as the [willing, of course] love interest to 60 year old Richard Burton - nude seen included (just her). Oh, the shit they put this girl through in her teens. And her father allowed it.

In turn, Ryan blamed her for speaking out. When Vanity Fair asked about her allegations in 2009, he told the magazine: “She wrote a book—bitch! How dare she throw our laundry in the street for money!”

Well, see, corporations are people...but not when crimes have been committed!

Extortion thy name is collections.

paying it is the easiest way out for us or they’ll get a lawyer to call.

We can tell you’re not a lawyer. A real lawyer would have asked for 2/3's. 

Lawyer here. This poor sod deserves $10,000,000 for his anguish and character assassination. Of which, I deserve 1/3 for writing some nasty letters. Boat payments are due...

I mean, I don’t know the law in Canada, but here in the US, companies are usually given a pass for these sorts of actions. A few years ago, there was a woman who had her house mistakenly demolished when the tear-down people got the wrong address. You’d think destroying someone else’s home would be some sort of crime,

If RBC made a mistake I’d call it grand theft auto. Either way I’d like to hear more about this story, especially how his suit against RBC goes. I’d call it news, or at least a story I have interest in.

Also, how obscene is it that one man, on a complete whim, can decide to rectify a humanitarian crisis affecting nearly 100,000 people?

Isn’t that what the federal government is supposed to be doing, you know getting off its fucking ass and investing in infrastructure all across the country, because according to Trump and co, the economy is doing so damn well, but no, let’s give a few trillion + in tax cuts to the already wealthy and pay for that by