
One thing this article and the FBI report have in common... Republican Senators didn’t read either of them.

Shit in my soup and point out the individual aromas emanating from it.”


Yes, they can and yes, there is.

He also basically voted for every cabinet nomination so far. I would be curious how many of his votes against trump happened after he was clearly not the deciding vote and rode other people's coat tails. 

What they actually mean is that they believe her, they just don’t give a fuck. 

OK, the Republican COULD be A LOT worse so be careful what you wish for, but I’m sure enough people agree with you that he will be punished nonetheless. I wish we could gain ground in the Senate or at least hold steady come the midterms, but if he loses his seat I hope that sends a warning shot off to the other red

The fucking audacity to spend thirty minutes praising Kavanaugh because he pinky-swore that he wouldn’t overturn key decisions, then spending ten minutes trying to poke holes in Ford’s testimony THEN insisting that Kavanaugh was going to “heal divisions” is too much, Her, “shout out” to victims of assault who should

It corroborates that she told the therapist at this-or-that certain time. That’s corroboration. It defeats the suggestion that she just made it all up last week.

And how the fuck can all these people say with a straight face that they believe Dr. Ford and “i believe something happened to her” and believe everything she says EXCEPT who the perpetrator was?

Putting aside the sexual assault (if that’s possible)...

“Democrats found Ford’s testimony powerful and believable, while Republicans were impressed by Kavanaugh’s impassioned denials.”

False, these people vote based on their political affiliation, if the roles were reversed and a Democratic nominee were the ones facing sexual assault allegations the votes would swing the

It will matter to history. Historians will mark October 6 as the day the Supreme Court became broken for a generation. It pushed through a lawyer who had the case law knowledge, but no trial nor oral argument experience. Kavanaugh will be recorded as being a partisan character assassin with a law degree, who sided

We all knew this was coming. Coronaries related to nonsurprisitis are forthcoming.

I’m not as sold on this theory as others are. Murkowski doesn’t need Manchin as a cover to vote no. Since she won her Senate seat on a freaking write-in campaign (a pretty baller accomplishment since votes that misspelled her name were in danger of being disqualified, and the Murkowski campaign was blocked from


Wives help to humanize the monster on the trone. Worked for Hitler with Eva Braun, still works for Assad with Asma.
