
Anyone over the age of 17 who takes pictures with their tongue and middle fingers out is an automatic asshole

Anyone over the age of 17 who takes pictures with their tongue and middle fingers out is an automatic asshole

If that picture isn’t a perfect distillation of 400 plus years of white colonialism, I don’t know what is.

Even full coverage isn’t enough to cover the cost of replacing a car %90 of the time.

1) It was very fun watching McGregor get his face ground into the mat last night. Fuck that guy forever.
2) I hope Khabib lawyers up over his lost purse. It seems that in light of at the very least McGregor’s bus incident, precedent would be on his side. 

While it’s a foregone conclusion that Khabib’s purse is going to be withheld, all this talk of banning him from the UFC smacks of favoritism. You’re telling me McGregor gets all the passes in the world, but Khabib gets banned for defending his family and religion? No, sir. That dog won’t hunt.

There are 100%, without a fucking doubt, McGregor fans (not all, but for sure some) who are indulging in white power fantasy with him. The brash, swag, shit taking white guy comes in and insults (usually racially) and beats up brown people? They fucking love it.

Shortly after Belmares and d’Entremont went public with their allegations, Aragon deleted his Twitter and Facebook accounts, and he’s been pulled from at least one additional conference. “Hopefully this will show other men with similar patterns of behavior in any other industry, you’re going to get caught eventually,

My wife had been reading about this via James Fell I think.  She also follows SciBabe.  The amount of dudes jumping to his defense is disgusting.

Fuck this dude

Talk about a blatant appeal to “bros before hos”. So gross, and I’m glad there are dudes who won’t collaborate out there.

Wrong. Most MAGA hat wearers were horrible people in high school and had all the breaks. But what separates MAGA men from other white men (who also had plenty of breaks) is one understands their luck while the other thinks their success is destiny and a sign of virtue.

Me: Well, I have been thinking about a cordless vac and have heard good thing about the Dyson...and it’s on sale. Must check out....(scrolls down to see price)

Me: Well, I have been thinking about a cordless vac and have heard good thing about the Dyson...and it’s on sale.

As a single dad to a toddler, who’s ex ran off - this doesn’t make me feel very good. I don’t like Father’s Day anymore anyways.

I am the non-standard Jez reader (In my opinion at least, white male, 25 and been on Gawker sister sites since I was 17) but was a Gawker Alum who migrated over after The Dark Times. I have ALWAYS hated Chris Hardwick. He was off-putting and gave me the exact same fake funny/date rapey vibe like a guy I went to

*eyeroll* Nice to know that some men are still out here acting like buying a box of cotton rolls is a big deal. Never be with a man like this.

I’ve long felt there was something dark and mean just behind the unabashed enthusiasm Hardwick always displayed, but tried to chalk it up to being influenced by negative comments about him on social media. I should’ve trusted my intial instincts, and am so grateful to Chloe for sharing her experiences. Toxic

In front of her mom though? Seriously? That’s beyond disrespectful and gross.