So I see she’s already had some coffee.
So I see she’s already had some coffee.
Good fucking riddance to the most disingenuous-ass Speaker of the House in American history. History will remember him for what he was: a sniveling as little bitch who let an orange menace raw-dog him in front of God and country for a corporate tax scam and to be able to fuck over the elderly, the poor, and people of…
infrastructure spending is a problem
Then pretty much ran into the road to avoid it all. Thats when I really puckered up.
I also loved the jab at the Jedi Order of the prequels when Luke points out how they were over romanticized and more or less brought about the rise of Palpatine and the Empire through their own ineptitude.
When Lam set up the GoFundMe what was the stated goal? How is the money going to help stop the bullying?
I giggle after I order murder.
And they’re not cucks, P-whipped, punks or bums who aren’t real men. They’re what you call partners.
Not for nothing, but this really made me appreciate that my husband just “gets” stuff like this. When I’m out of the house, I don’t have to ask him to do anything because he just knows it needs to be done. I went to dinner with a friend the other day and came home to a completely clean home, the kids bathed and…
It reminds me quite a bit of It’s Always Sunny; for a while I lived with a small handful of dudes who wanted to be The Gang, picking analogues in the show for who they felt best represented them, and emulating the various drinking games and habits they exhibited. It entirely baffles me that anyone would watch that…
God, he is beautiful.
Maybe he’ll actually survive since he’s one of the team. I’ve seen him in numerous things. He’s almost like a Japanese Sean Bean for the amount of times his character dies.
The only demon with acting experience is the wrong color and is busy taking the US to hell in an orange tiny hand basket.
Sub snobs really infuriate me, anime is a visual art form and watching words instead of concentrating on the beautiful art really defeats the purpose, might as well read the novel or manga instead because you are totally missing the point of the medium with your “sub only” douchebaggery.
I’m very curious as to what you define as “clean.” Visibly clean? Free of germs? Free of dirt?
Vanilla WoW was just plain bad. I was there, launch day, early in the morning playing. When the expansions came around, they just made the game so much better. Yeah, I get that some people want to play the ancient, sub-par game, but the majority just want a free version of WoW to play.
I don’t know why they thought there was a big demand for a 12 year old game. I played vanilla as well and thinking back it wasn’t that much fun compared to Burning Crusade.