
They do live in Buffalo

This. The human cashiers are always in a shitty mood.

The man has 6 followers. Also this:


They turned first and goal at the 1 into a 42 yard field goal. Only the Lions.

Cunningham and Mike Patrick are a terrible commentator team. I cringe every time they are on a game I’m watching.

The Al Davis eternal flame is the size of an olympic torch.

Irvin and Taylor are 2018 recruits, so not a shocker. Solomon committed after one of the satellite camps in June, without telling his mother, who is apparently driving the bus on his recruitment.

In addition to Lamar Miller sucking for the Texans, he will destroy your fantasy team if you draft him.

By the third screw up I’d stop passing to him.

Those sideburns are literally the only hair he has.

Looks like the composite sketch of the suspect in the first season of True Detective.

B) I’m not putting anything in my back pocket because there’s nothing worse than sitting on your own keys.

You’ll also want to punch yourself for watching the damn thing.

If you watch his video diary of the whole thing, you’ll want to drop everything and drive to Metro Detroit to punch him in the face.

Before clicking on this, I was sure this happened in Florida.

I dated a girl who broke her foot at Rick’s the week before her graduation. That place, and coincidentally as it turned out her as well, is terrible.

This show is complete trash. I say this as a sports fan and someone who used to enjoy Simmons’ writing.

This is an incredibly deep category.

Darko. His only worthwhile function on the Pistons was as a human victory cigar on the mid 2000 teams.