
Is there a company contest happening to see who can make the most slideshows?

I like that they chose a cover photo where it looks like he’s constipated.

We used to use Cannibal Corpse and Slayer for this purpose in places where those definitely did not fit the crowd.

I got patio furniture delivered from Home Depot at 11 pm once. It was supposed to be there by 5 pm AND they were supposed to call. Thankfully I didn’t have to be home so I didn’t waste the day waiting. Apparently their truck broke down. Phone must have broken too I guess. I literally was crawling into bed and heard a

I’m 6' 2" and can confirm this.

As a Tigers fan, I always knew this would end with some bad contracts, a gutted minor league system and dollar store bullpen dumpster fire.

If you read his tweets or watch any of his video reports he comes off as very douchey. He thinks he’s a lot funnier/clever than he his.

They should just throw the whole stadium out and start over.

You can also ship it to Microsoft for free to recycle. I did that with my 360 that had the red ring of death. It had been sitting in a closet for years. I just had to toss it in a box, fill out some stuff online, slap the label on it and get it to UPS.

For the love of God, do not willingly pass Detroit Lions fandom onto your child.

They don’t have ads on their site.

I work with someone who’s mother doesn’t know how to pump gas. Their dad has just always done it. That blew my mind. There aren’t any full service stations around here and haven’t been for a long time.

The Venn diagram of Tool and Beiber fans are probably 2 circles located on opposite side of the galaxy.

I’ll add people walking in pairs or groups to the biggest asshole consideration. They’ll look back because they hear you coming and still insist on taking up an entire 8 foot wide path because they can’t break walking side by side for 2 seconds. Meanwhile I’ll go off path to get around them and end up turning an ankle

The only coup happening in the WH is the dementia on his brain.

Most of these CNBC tips are clickbait bullshit, like the multimillionaire bald guy who spends $40 on haircuts every 4 weeks but tells you not to buy coffee and that you shouldn’t own a car.

Just channel it all to the garbage institution that is Michigan State.

That beard is a blight on his creeper ass face.

He’s FIFA Board material.

The good news for him is Engler was there so this won’t earn him the honors as worst person associated with MSU that was at the game.