Bernie Rubble

·Also, why don’t women just leave abusive relationships?

1. now this is an “officer involved shooting” that was justified.

I’m glad... it means she never has to worry about him again. He’s not going to get out of prison and track her down and hurt her in retaliation for him getting locked up. Because with guys like that, you know he’s going to blame her for any trouble. If she would have just gone quietly, nothing bad would have

Someone commented on another post:

Chances are he’s not leaving anything but credit card debt.

Oh but you should just give a guy a chance I thought? And jealousy just means he loves you? And why don’t we just speak up for ourselves?

If he didn’t have a gun, he’d have stabbed her or beat her to death, run her down with a car, etc. I’m the biggest advocate for gun control there is, but this is a domestic violence and control issue, not a gun issue.

Your comment only makes sense if approving a killer’s death is equivalent to wanting to kill. They’re not equivalent. Bye.

“Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them.” - Margaret Atwood.

Glad he’s dead. Everything else is awful.

You have hit this straight on the head, as far as I’m concerned. They’re being rebels. They’re angry that Obama didn’t magically turn the US into a Scandinavian nation, despite the fact that it took every resource he had just to push through and barely hang onto the ACA. They’re proud of themselves. Argh...

I actually find the young woman in this video somewhat obnoxious. And I’m of mixed race. Makes me remember how Hillary was bullied/ beaten by boys while playing outside, went crying to her mother and had the response,

Hey, Denton, how about you don’t tell other people who you’ve never met what their *true* interests are. Since there’s no fucking way you know. And this comment is patronizing at best.

This new tendency among the BernieBros to be like “minorities are ruining progressivism for us” is the logical extension of their “women are ruining progressivism for us” condescending bullshit mansplaining philosophy.

This is how I feel about the young, white, male Bernie Bros too. If Trump becomes president, *they* are still fine. They aren’t threatened by TRAP laws, etc. I am desperately afraid of losing my access to women’s health care.

He did vote for the crime bill. The crime bill is also incredibly complex and included aspects like the Violence Against Women Act. I’d really recommend that folks your age do a bit of homework on crime in the early 90s and the crime bill of 1994.

Wow. A white person telling a black person that they know what’s in black peoples best interests better than black people do. That never goes wrong.

Annnnnd right here we have a great example of why Bernie Sanders isn’t doing well with minorities, and why his supporters are reviled.

NO! You don’t understand - a mustachioed 33 year old white barrista with an B.A. from a mid-tier Liberal Arts school whose parents pay his Park Slope rent while he “reviews” movies in his Facebook status is EXACTLY who should be telling African Americans, Latinos, women etc what they should be doing and what is best

I agree. The patronizing tone in the article and some of the comments against people of color as a voting group is revolting. No doubt that after they’ve spoken out against POC support for Clinton, they’ll pat themselves on the back for setting us straight.