Bernie Rubble

ETA: holy shit, the teenage psyche is just so complicated and crazy and I don’t know how any of us made it out and became semi-functioning sort-of adults.

Living in Massachusetts, I have been following the case since her arrest and what she did was seriously messed up.

This got me away from libertarian principles years ago. When you start noticing the overwhelming number of MRAs at events, you kinda start asking what’s attracting them in the first place.

It pisses me off that their go to line is that you shouldn’t vote for her just because she’s a woman. As if being a woman erases all her public service, education, experience etc?

They’re basically Ron Paul supporters. Remember those guys?

To clarify: by exact reason I meant cherry on top of the decision I’m choosing Hillary. I’m choosing her because I want a candidate with reasonable goals that can be achieved, aware that there’s more than one issue with the government, who’s qualified, had domestic and foreign experience and has the fortitude to

Sometimes I really, really want to question them as to whether they think the way they respond to questions or criticisms of Bernie is helping him at all. I got 1001 terrible, sexist responses from Bernie supporters in the Killer Mike thread, and if I were still in any way undecided, it would’ve pushed me over the

Isn’t it fun when people prove your point for you?

I’m choosing the candidate who has more reasonable goals, a clear plan to achieve them with both domestic and international experience.

I agree. Even women who support Hillary are bending over backwards to be like, no, no, I don’t care about the fact that she’s a woman. Well, I do. Representation matters.

Oh don’t worry, I’m sure all of the “women stick together” voters would be happy for a Bachmann/Palin ticket next time around and vote for them regardless of politics.

Just voting against Clinton, because she’s establishment or whatever, is also patently wrong. Bernie is a long-term senator.

It’s disappointing that Jezebel can get their knickers in a twist over #OscarsSoWhite but not seem to give a shit that #WhiteHouseSoMale

One point of contention between them (I think at the last debate) was that Bernie was talking about how disppointed people were in Obama. He promised all these wonderful things, but couldn’t deliver. And I think he’s right, that people have been disappointed...but does he really think the outcome of his presidency

No, it would be meaningful to have Clinton in the White House. Having Fiorina, “a woman in the White House,” wouldn’t do anything at all about the ongoing restriction of women’s rights.

Of course everybody wants what Bernie wants. The problem is that there’s no way he can deliver. We already elected a dreamer and the GOP has made it their life’s work to discredit him. I want someone who knows how to get things done.

I fully support your choice to vote Bernie. But I think you are insulting the women you mention just as much. They aren’t trying to get you to vote for Fiorina, so clearly this is someone who speaks to their values AND she is a woman. For a lot of people, that really can’t be overstated. Who is more likely to let

Everyone seems to think that saying “I’m voting for Clinton because she’s a woman” really means “I’m *only* voting for Clinton because she’s a woman, and I obviously just haven’t *researched* enough and only vote on genitalia”

I have not yet encountered this argument - that women are being obligated vocally by other women to vote for Hilary by dint of gender - in the wild. What I have encountered, ad nauseam, is the argument (well-stated in the piece) assuming that any woman who supports HRC is doing so solely because she is a woman - as

I’m supporting Clinton because I think she’ll be a better general election candidate than Sanders and I think she’ll be a better president too. However I am also supporting her because she’s a woman. And everytime I see any sort of criticism of that line of thinking it just reinforces my belief that we have to