Bernie Rubble

Yes, in my opinion, Bernie hasn’t had a single attack against him this entire election cycle. Should Bernie Sanders somehow become the nominee, Republicans will open up on him and destroy him.

For someone who is discouraging the bad behavior of his followers, there sure is a lot of bad behavior throughout his organization.

Well, we all see that you’re an unapologetic asshole. Which seems to fit the Bernie Bro profile quite well.

Yes, and that was way weird.

Because all your criticism is pure baloney. Every, single, criticism.

I’m not really buying the idea that Henry Kissinger is a war criminal. Nor do I buy the idea that Hillary Clinton is a war criminal due to her support of Henry Kissinger, a man who is respected around the world.

Because Bernie Bros are a thing. Just like Hillbots and Corporate Democratic Whores.

This idea of “cozy with Wall Street” is nonsense. Face the facts, Wall Street exists. Corporations exist. These things are what our economy is made of, not only the United States, the entire world.

Shillary, or Killary, those are bad. But calling someone a war criminal, putting them in the same league as who? Adolf Hitler? Herman Goering? Pol Pot? Is a-ok by you?

Kind of weird, I was born in the upper Midwest. We don’t have southern accents either. Yet, after living in the South for nearly 10 years I managed to pick one up. Never noticed it, until I went back north one time after a few years and my Mom mentioned my Southern Accent was cute.

Didn’t do anything wrong, “legally speaking.” So you’ll just condemn her on some weird moral idea you have floating around in your head?

My cousin worked as an EMT in an ambulance. Really, the only way to deal with terrible things is to laugh about it. What else do you do after you see some young man dying and doing the Honda Shuffle?

Doesn’t pass the smell test.

Trump: “I have the best women.”

If only Hillary had a dick.

Your math is wrong. If you were 15 in 1975, you would have been born in 1960 which would make you 56 this year. I doubt everything else you say.

As an Independent, Bernie helps Bernie. Nobody else.

I think you’re missing the point of the poster, domestic violence + a gun = murder.

You’re absolutely right. Last spring a woman was stabbed to death while she was walking out of a grocery store. Her 7 year old son was with her and saw the whole thing.

I loved it when the fire came out of his ears and his head exploded.