Bernie Rubble

Aggressive, violent threats directed toward women are widespread and underreported. I like Bernie, too, and I voted for him, but you’re human garbage if you think the right thing to do is to sweep this behavior under the rug for the sake of the campaign.

And if general elections we decided on the basis of Democratic primaries, that might be relevant.

Bernie cannot mathematically win the fucking nomination.

Bernie lost. Get over it. Now you’re just making him and his supporters look bad.

Exactly this. It’s not about which candidate you support or whether you think the system is rigged or whether you think Hillary Clinton eats dead puppies for lunch (she does).

And yet she’s... winning... by... around... 10 million votes... and 300 pledged delegates.....

Bernie would get absolutely destroyed by Trump. Hillary didn't even attack him and is millions of votes ahead.

What people don’t understand is that those “Berniebros” that ruined the convention are most likely former Ron Paul 2012 supporters that pulled the same bullshit during the 2012 Nevada Republican convention. That’s something to think about.

Again, provide examples of what the “Bitch” did that was criminal? Or are you just all hot air with nothing to back up your claims?

and yet somehow only one side sent death threats and threw chairs. odd, that

Do you have an opinion on the Hillary rally in Calif. Where supporters had to exit through a “wall of hate”and elderly women were called bitch and c-nt simply for being a Hillary supporter. Or signs were yanked out of children’s hands. Two sides to that one too?

I’m sorry, death threats, threats of violence, and slurs from Hillary supporters? Where please?

They are not “nasty tweets,” they are threats—some of them aimed at children. And if you think that’s not a major problem with the democratic process, I don’t know what to tell you.

You didn't just ask to be interviewed, did you? That is some narcissistic shit…

You didn't just ask to be interviewed, did you?

You shouldn’t be surrprised at alll. Loud violent men have a way of crowding out every other narrative and memory. What I remember of my caucus: the screaming shaved-head Bernie asshole. All he needed was a beer stein.

If you’re sticking to the notion that this article is “one sided” are you asserting that non-bernie supporters were acting violently, making threats, and calling someone a cunt for doing her job? If that’s the case you may be right but otherwise, this article is about covering an unwarranted series of violent

Oh, you’re one of the “good” ones. Yeah, I’ll listen to you as much as I listen to one of those “I have gay friends” Christians.

So... #NotAllBerns

This is about the people who think there’s any kind of justification for calling and threatening someone or someone’s kids. It’s not particularly about the convention, and nothing about it is slanted. The author herself is a Sanders supporter. If both bases don’t take a hard look at what causes these things to happen