Bernie Rubble

Literally every accused rapist is entitled to a defender under the constitution. If we (as we should) bring more rapists to trial, there will be an ever growing list of defense attorneys who need to step in and make sure they are granted a fair trial. So in your extremely valuable opinion, those people are all bad?

Yet Clinton and Sanders voted 93% of the time in the Senate (and some of those times were her votes to the left of him on guns). That’s an awful lot of hate over a very small percentage of disagreements.

No matter what it said that would not be the narrative. Look at any of the other false scandals and how they faired even when found to have exactly 0 evidence

Bernie Bro refers to a certain subset of Sanders supporters. “Shillary” or “Killary” refers to one woman who doesn’t deserve it.

What gets me is that according to politifact, she is the most consistently honest person running for president. Trump lies almost compulsively and bernie sanders has a similar ratio of truth to falsehood as her, but is much more likely to rely on partial truths.

Then you get this narrative that she’s some frothing

Except everything they have done is working. Listen to the Bernie Bros who hate Hillary Clinton.

Yo Mary-Grace, Doofenschmirtz is one of the tomato face troll's sock puppets and he's so, so, so trolling you right now. Mostly I don't care though because you've been concern trolling the rest of us with your "Hillary was once a defense attorney and that's bad!" video. You and Doofey have fun now, but don't eat too

Are you one of those people that thinks Newtown was staged because the parents didn’t cry during their press conference?

You’re genuinely surprised people are calling you out on your bullshit? You must usually hang around a bunch of impressionable idiots then.

Yes. I have no idea what it does to a person to be a public defender. Public defenders who are underpaid, overworked and dealing with poor people, at least some of whom are guilty and all of whom are in jail.

you’re a fucking idiot. The polygraph was not used in court. They are inadmissible you inbred asshole. Seriously you should be embarrassed talking out of your ass like this. You’re on the internet man! You can google this shit easy. But you seem like a lazy shitstain of a person so I’m surprised it’s beyond your

Giggling proves nothing. People giggle when they are amused. They also giggle when they’re nervous, some do it when they’re uncomfortable. I find it very hard to believe that she thought it was fun and hilarious to defend this person. I hear the opposite, myself.

An innocent man with nothing to hide is still wise to remain silent.

In this case, all it would have done was help Sanders, it would have resulted in a week of breathless wall-to-wall coverage of the speeches, and as soon as the news cycle burned itself out, there’d be a call for her to release something else. While it’s still a thing that gets thrown out from time to time, it’s not

She has a history of not releasing things she doesn’t have to even when she has nothing to hide. Perhaps it’s because she realizes she has nothing to gain.

Yep, because once you get a “dishonest” narrative to stick, it’s really hard to get rid of it. You say you’re not a liar? Of course you’d say that! You’re a known liar! This is yet another lie!

Nothing in that ad is true. Why would you believe phony Republican character assassins?

There’s really no hard evidence that Hillary has been awful to the women Bill had affairs with. She’s called them some names (mostly in private), but other than that - it’s a pretty baseless talking point. And saying they don’t believe in transparency is a stretch too. She’s released 30 something years of tax returns


What’s true? That there were a ton of “-gate” scandals aimed at the Clintons? Sure. That there was ever any basis in reality for any of them? Not really.