
I am always impressed when someone realizes that they made a mistake and owns up to it publicly. Nice work.

This gets my vote.

Thanks. I can tell you that in my experience with my mother, people on the outside think she is fine. My father sued for custody 11 times and lost every single time. She convinced me over the years that he was no less than a serial killer, rapist and child molester, and repeated more times than I can remember that he

What you say is fair for someone to say, from the outside looking in. What I can tell you as the daughter of someone with BPD, is that for the children, what you say doesn’t matter. When your mom is sick and cruel, you don’t come into the world understanding that. You think she’s normal, you think her behavior towards

That’s a job for professionals, not innocent children who have grown up with her and have, as a result of her abusive behavior, their own psychic wounds to treat. If as adults they choose to help her out that’s great but the fact is Sinead O’Connor has had a lot of help for her psychological issues, and she is still

if stoya is saying that this happened to her i think we should believe her. what if you didn’t have solid evidence of what happened to you, how would you feel if people doubted you when you told them what happened to you because of that? the likelihood that someone would be willing to make a claim like this that isn’t

If you think that this incident has more to do with white male privilege than it does a mentally unstable man with easy access to firearms, you’re an insane person. But at least you’re on Jezebel, where twaddle like this flies.

If you want a specific count, I’ll be glad to get back to you with it, but the majority of

Not a quote - at the very most, a paraphrase.

Lmao. It’s “terrifying” if you read gawker and use that as your only connection to the outside world.

By all means, let’s take this incident in which a certifiable kook took 3 people’s lives, and focus on the time he pushed his wife, and segue into “widespread” white male privilege, patriarchy, etc, etc.

We sadly aren’t even the only country with widespread white male privilege and national political figures who spew out hateful rhetoric that encourages and incites violence against women.

Each day, I see very basic grammar/spelling errors in posts that wield triple-digit likes while I will eternally linger in the greys... :/

Switzerland is not a “developed country”?

so this is because of white privilege now? Boy you people are insane........

You have a greater chance of being killed driving your car to work on Monday than ever even encountering another human being with a weapon, let alone a gun, being pointed at you. You also have a greater chance of that cheeseburger you bought from McDonald’s clogging your arteries and taking you out with a heart

Wow. Almost more clichés than words in that paragraph. Impressive feat.

He’s bemoaning the awful fact that you have to ‘practice your attitude’; he’s not blaming the victim. The paragraph before the quote you selected for your outrage? That provides context. But hey, whatever gets you them stars.

While I would never step foot in one of his establishments, I do enjoy Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, for the fact that it gives national exposure to local chefs doing great things in the culinary world.

Is there a word that means both “unbelievably stupid” and “racist”?

He’s a black belt in Hulk Smash.