
You probably spend the entire time on your phone.

That’s pretty fuckin metal.

I was unaware she could take a bad picture. She looks like a wax figure.

And booze!

So was the myth busted?

Not to mention the article is more racist than the no-show protesters. Buffalo wings and inauthentic salsa? Every article written about the white hate towards this video is worse than the subject itself. Time for a fucking staff meeting folks.

This makes me horny for some reason. Odd.

Many many times. Over 25 years at DoD. The criticism is tiresome.

How bout you offer them assistance improving it?

They’re trying. Not doing the best at it, but it’s more than most others are doing to raise awareness about violent extremism.

Someone that can identify Budweiser as shit isn’t a beer snob, just a person with good taste.

It’s football. Surely there’s something more worthwhile to rage about?

Seeing those happy kids of his just ripped my heart out. PLEASE seek help if you’re feeling down. :(

I like MMA and the UFC. Fans? Not so much. There’s nothing worst than trying to follow a sport when everyone turns into an expert the minute it hits the TV. Going to a PPV event at a bar or even someones house is purely comical.

Now playing

He should get with Rob Scallon. He takes youtube comments and makes Mad Libs videos with them. They’re fucking hilarious.

“you brain dead bowl of fetid shitballs”

Here in MD it's normally the 4wd vehicles in the ditch first because people think their truck is invincible.

You know how fucking hard it is to remove snow in NYC? Especially without removing the cars/people first? There's plenty of equipment but impossible to use it because there's nowhere to move the snow.. Find some other shit to make a fuss about.

Remove it to where?

I do understand your point of view and completely appreciate this response. I actually have almost the exact view about death.. I seem to appreciate others’ inability to accept death as a guarantee simply becase I think thats what makes us individuals. I remember my sister losing her shit when Kurt Cobain died... I