I want to roundhouse kick his upper lip. And those obnoxious suits!!! JESUS.
I want to roundhouse kick his upper lip. And those obnoxious suits!!! JESUS.
God forbid he has to differentiate between ‘Runner Up’ and ‘MISS UNIVERSE”. What a fucking tardcake.
The moustache made him do it.
This confuses me. But I like it.
Did you miss the part where he had to move? Lost business? Receives death threats?
Logic. Wait for it to go on sale, then buy some.
Jezebel: The PERFECT forum for this discussion.
You’re helping Trump, you know that right? Keep him in the spotlight...
You can’t fix the igrorance.
Dudes that are out the door before light and home after dark and spend all day in cold ass temperatures outside working... Yes. Mall rats and coffee shop wi-fi hoarders? No.
I picture these hipsters in random dive bars ordering beers they don’t understand and saying things like “complexity of aromas and hop presense” and other stupid shit. Sweater? Check. Skinny jeans? Check. Loafers or boat shoes? Motherfucking check.
Gawker too.
Moron citizens wanting concealed carry is far more reasonable.
I considered that. Logical. Although I can’t think of a reason they need to be on the phone either. I’m sure the “my phone is my GPS” will come up too at some point. Hell I use my phone as a GPS sometimes but would be completely ok with the GPS being the only functional service available while in my car.
I truly hope you’ve healed and/or are making progress. I will definitely keep your comments close to my heart when approaching these topics - I didn’t mean to come across as not understanding of the people affected as well. Sorry if I did. I wish the best for you and your family.
- The fasted posted speed limit in the US is what, 75mph? Why ANY CAR can go faster is beyond me.
I had to go back and read a bit. I think I may have replied to you but had a few thoughts in mind that were elsewhere directed. Most importantly, I didn’t mean to imply that the kids had no reason to distance themselves from her due to abuse. I meant my comment more towards the fathers/other adults that [in my…
Understood and agree. What I was getting at was a mentally ill person can’t always help him/herself. They don’t control their emotions the way people without mental illnesses do. While she may be abusive, may be mean, and may need a ‘break’ - people can’t expect her to reach out for help. She needs understanding, care…