
If you’re older than 12 and use emojis in your communication, you deserve to be misconstrued/misunderstood, and generally shunned by society.

My wife and I opnce spent a friday evening sitting on opposite sides of the same couch texting each other emojis back and forth. She has an iPhone, while I have a Nexus 5. While she drank her wine, and I sipped my bourbon, we compared and contrasted all the differences, and she even rated which dog emojis were cuter

Just what I needed, another excuse to have even more coffee

Good for her. My aunt was given 4-5 months to live, unless she went on chemo which would—possibly—have extended her life for another year. But, the entire time would be spent in chemo, and mostly in a hospital. She told her oncologist ‘No, thanks. I’m going camping.’ And she did. And was happy. RIP Aunt Jean!

My great Aunt Gerri was diagnosed with leukemia last January. Instead of fighting it, due to her advanced age, she and her family decided that palliative care was the way to go and they brought in hospice care. She died two months later, but her pain was under control, she got to spend time with her grandkids and

Teen Mom Jenelle has a manager? For what? What does she have to manage besides a string of ill-conceived pregnancies with an impressive lineup of losers?

She may still be alive now, but if she truly has cancer in her brain and lungs and is in hospital, she probably won’t be for much longer. I don’t understand this weird obsession with “fighting” terminal illness all the way to the end. As soon as her cancer spread she had no chance. I hope she was able to focus on

How is a Teen Mom an accurate source here!?!?

Building a moat is the responsibility of the company, not the government/journalists/consumers. GoPro learned that the hard way.

Building a moat is the responsibility of the company, not the government/journalists/consumers. GoPro learned that

If white folks had actually shown up it certainly would have been a story.

why is this non story getting attention?

I can see it now. Flash is a funny character right? Lets have him tell 20 dick jokes in a row and then make a flippant one-liner while he strangles someone with their own intestines.

Yeah, might as well give up now and sit back.

I hope he gets the help he needs - a judge that puts his ass in jail.

If hipsters have a good reason to use typewriters on airplanes now, the terrorists have won.

Bear Grylls would like to learn more about your survival skills.

You wash down the taste of shit with the taste of piss? Interesting move.

No, fuckwit. I’ve explained to you why you’re wrong.

Now playing

Concorde sonic booms were the best (or worst, depending on where and when you heard them) sonic booms...

From probably FL600...
