
You forgot walking on water, curing the sick, bringing some guy named Lazarus back from the dead and resurrection.

what's the point???... Get it :)

Worldwide. Key word the fing press always glosses over. 750,000 people out of 7,000,000,000 is not "everyone." Even if that number was just for the U.S. alone (750,000 out of 350,000,000) it still wouldn't be "everyone". It is the proverbially drop in the bucket.

> Have sex with said two girls at the same time instead.

How soon can we put these on A-10s?

Always love your articles Doug. Second to none.

This is gruesomely fascinating.

SU-47. Forward-swept wings = EVIL!

Usually if they text me and it's obviously a scam, I make an ad in the women seeking men section of Craigslist with their cell phone number and the text "send me pictures of yourself, clothes optional"

How's about we drop the 'mid' and just call them 'evil.'

"Why its a mistake to call ISIL 'medieval'"

it was hilarious, and honestly if you are making your kid watch the redskins-browns preseason game, you're a shitty parent and your kid is doomed anyways....

Also if you want to get SUPER SUPER nerdy, then I would check out Brady, he has a dozen channels which he collaborates with the University of Nottingham: sixty symbols (astronomy, physics, weird theoretical stuff), numberphile (mathmatics), computerphile (computers) periodic videos (chemistry), and I think there are a

I think Michael from vsauce is fantastic at moving the conversation from one topic to another but still be talking about the same thing and making you think about everything at once.

TY for posting but in truth, I quit the first one at 5,03 as his speaking style — pausing before emphasising words — took hold of my attention (as did the [Dov Charney-ish] beard and glasses). I'll come back to it later since I'm quite interested in the main topic; I just need a breather from listening to/watching

My father was divorced from his first wife before he met my mother. My wife's mother was divorced from her first husband when she met my wife's father. Instead of going to the high school that all the other kids from my middle school were going to, I convinced my parents to let me attend high school in the next town

...and the trend continues of grown-ups who have fond memories of a franchise from their youth, puts on their Nostalgia GlassesTM, and begins to rabidly complain about those properties being vapid, devoid of enjoyment, and childish.