
Christ, I'm asking about copyright and royalties with regards to international laws. If you read through the comments this was clearly explained. Stop being so assinely shortsighted and learn some basic reading comprehension.

I was asking a question, chill out. You know how people learn things? They ask questions. The only one being ignorant here is you; if you can't handle people asking to be informed about how a law works you need to gain some maturity and stop being so childish.

There's a reason who nobody had debunked this:
It's because:
Wait for it....

I hope there's video of alligators on treadmills. That would be most amusing.

Oh yeah, that tool is only available in CS6.

The fact that he gets paid to take these blurry, no-technique, bullshit disposable-camera-looking pictures makes me want to set things on fire. Even if he wasn't a total shit as a person, he should not be employed in anything involving photography.

Too bad for Terry that photoshop doesn't have a "remove rape" tool.

I'd be comfortable saying that road rallies should be illegal because they encourage this type of behavior and generally are a nuisance for other drivers.

White would have worked better.

I've got you beat. Played for 17 years and have NEVER been able to enjoy it on TV. In that way, it's much like baseball. I enjoy(ed) playing it, but watching a regular season game, when it really is just about the sport, is excruciating.

That's ok! Plenty of people who play a sport and don't watch it on TV. But, at least you played and can appreciate it for what it is.

I'd make #3 be "Stop being shitheads to new and casual fans, as well as people that just don't like soccer."

Fuck eating. I always wonder when all the characters in action movies get the time to shit. Did the Joker take a dump in Harvey Dent's hospital room bathroom before he blew the place up? Did Batman remember to go #2 before putting on his outfit?

Yes, if you're getting into a time machine to go to college in 1994.

I wanted to put that in the headline but thought that might be overselling it.

...to masturbate?

protecting NYC's most vital food source, too late

When every single person I know and I were 14, we didn't take our Granddad's hot hatch out and partake in a police chase through a residential area. I know kids do stupid shit, but no normal kid does this stupid shit.

If you can't Dodge it, Ram it.