
Yes... I'm lost again. How did you say I get to the beach?

Nice thighs.

Hulk Hogan was the #1 guy in the WWF's heyday, Warrior would be #2 or #2a with Macho Man Randy Savage. This guy was HUGE back in the late 80s, early 90s, noted for his energetic persona and bugfuck crazy, nonsensically awesome promos. It's moreso stunning considering he just got welcomed back into the WWE (his

I agree. There is no way I'm not going to brown my meat before it goes into the slow cooker.

What's the girl next to her doing?

Always bring a flask. It's a rookie mistake.

Actually, it just turns out that Ted has been Kaiser Soze the whole time.

Hey, since a lot of you are chiming in to ask why I recommend doing Brussels sprouts this way instead of roasting them, I figured I'd answer you all collectively:

I love them roasted at 400 for 35 minutes after covering in oil and salt. Are these that much better to be worth the 20 dollars or whatever in oil to fry them?

One of my friends drives to Vermont (from Boston) every couple months to stock up, throws me a few bones here and there. I think it's great, but not so much better than, say, Dogfish 90 Minute that I'd drive to Vermont and wait in line at the brewery.

You forgot an important positive for canned beer: when you throw the empties out of your car window you do not create a hazard for the children walking on the sidewalk.

A much simpler thing that works the same way is to just grab a clean dish rag and briefly run part of it under some water to just get it a tad wet. Then wring it out so it just feels damp. Now toss that in with your clothes and it's the same thing and without the loud clanking noise of the ice cube(s).

"But if you drink Bud Light you've stopped reading a long time ago."

This is going to depend on a lot of things, including what beer you are pouring (some beers are going to be more carbonated than others), the temperature of the beer, probably the temperature and cleanliness of the glass, possibly the shape of the glass, etc. One thing I try to do in general while pouring from a

Former military guy here: fun activity: acquire ladder truck. Cut down boots. Re-sell to military surplus store.

When ever I have moved, I've taken my most beaten up pair of kicks and thrown them over the lines in front of the house. Sort of a "I was here" kind of thing.

GOES: All of it.

...I'm sorry, what were you saying?

Oh, I think he's handled a beaver before.

My husband was one of the very few servicemembers who had an immediate and dangerous reaction to the anthrax vaccine. He blacked out on the spot and was in the ICU for a week. If you got yours in the military I urge you to make sure it is in your records. Anthrax has been linked to early onset arthritic conditions