
It’s 2015 and thats the best they can do for a mugshot?

Here. Hopefully this will be your next neighbor so you’ll reconsider about the death penalty.

Shit, shoplifting works for me. Fuck criminals all around.

Morally wrong not to grant the victim and family some justice?

I love her.

A life sentence gives not only a convicted murderer a life, but it gives the victim and loved ones nothing. THAT is barbaric. And stupid.

I want my last meal to be heroin. I’ll save ya the whole ordeal of strapping me down and injecting me with some shit that wont kille me (I'm a BAMF) if you just let me do it mystlf. :D

Ever met them?

That’s boner music man.

Fuck you, Kevin Johnson. Fuck you.

You motherfucker. *tears

He meant Jim.

Exactly. Why? Not one of these twats has Jim Hensons vision.

Won't ever without Jim. It was fun and creative to him; an outlet. To everyone else its about money.

They fucked this up royally. If Jim Henson were here he’d make it right.

“We are not anti-Johnny Depp”

That donkey’s tard/cute ratio is about 60/40.

Can we kill her finally?

I prefer women so tall that I can stand up between their legs to give them oral.

Pfft. I’m 5’7” on a good day and give zero fucks.