So are you saying people that get drunk on planes are assholes because they get drunk? Or are you implying that all drunks are assholes? I'm confused.
So are you saying people that get drunk on planes are assholes because they get drunk? Or are you implying that all drunks are assholes? I'm confused.
It's haunting to think some idiot human thinks that thing is cool.
Dude is a fucking tard salad.
Matthew McConaughey could wear a fucking sombrero and thong and still be cool.
Hundred bucks Kim Kardashian owns that turd.
It's very hard to top DFH 90 minute. That is absolute perfection [in my personal, not often popular] opinion.
I have the most awesome boner right now.
You know you can't ask legitimate questions on any kinja site. No can do. Good answer, too. You've got patience!
Fist bumped?
Who comes up with this shit? It's bad enough I've seen more than one Mustang (not even a GT500) that have Eleanor for a license plate...
Six crashes since '92.
His response to #11 is pure poetry. I love his attitude. All fucking business.
How do people like "Cocaino" not get their heads bashed in on a daily basis?
I played soccer for 10 years, albeit not professionally or even semi-professionally and with all I know about the sport I still can't watch it on TV.
Do you get to at least have sex with her in the video game? Or do drugs with her? Anything?
I'm already cracking #6 by the time the bait hits the water.
My daughter loves it when I pick out her outfits. :) I feel lucky!