Dumbass Americans have been getting horrible translation tattoos for years. It's only fair to allow this guy a pass.
And the daughter isn't pregnant this time.
Yeah.. I didn't mean it to read like that, sorry. And I suck at snark, the internet, and English in general.
Leaving work early to go hug my little girl. Can't imagine the pain; hope I never have to.
Trailer parks. The place where 12 year old girls are allowed to get tattooed while staying the night with a registered sex offender. What in the actual honest fuck.
When I was a server, I was happy for any tips. Some asshole even left me fortune cookies once.
You assholes are making me cry.
People watch. The #1 thing to do at stores like this.
What if Michelangelo sculpted the dented, run-over-three-times Mountain Dew jug?
I try to focus on less menial tasks personally. Making my bed has never made much sense; it actually ADDS work at the end of the day because I have to un-make it just to get in. If I leave it all dicked up like when I got out, I can shoot right back in with much less effort.
An opinion of one's self is really the only one that matters.
Awesome. Will definitely give it a try!
Does it just do a literal translation, or in context? I ask because in many cases a direct, literal translation will not make a lot of sense if you were to speak it as such. I definitely see the possible uses here, just curious.
Hardware stores often have little bottles for screws and whatnot... also try the fishing section of a walmart. They have all kinds of crap in sealed containers.
God that looks fun!
Fuck yeah cat!!!
Jealous of what exactly?
Eating spaghetti and watching faces of death is better than the games. This show is a hoot though.