6'4" 265 is fat? I don't think I'd call that monster fat. Nope. Never.
6'4" 265 is fat? I don't think I'd call that monster fat. Nope. Never.
I wasn't trying to challenge you - just crazy to hear. 5 strikeouts is awesome (especially against those asshole sandbag teams that will only swing at the perfect meatball) and I figured I'd seen pretty much everything at this point. :)
"Once, a new pitcher who had walked a slew of hitters early in the game went on a tear, striking out at least five batters"
My cat Hemi makes the silliest little machine gun pre-meows that just mushes me. I call him beepbeep because, well, hell I dunno. BddrrrrrBdrrrrrr meow! God I'm retarded.
I love skydiving, but that's just irresponsible and dangerous.
Oh boy. Definitely sitting this one out. Still licking my fucking wounds from the article about that idiot chick's Halloween costume.
Couple questions for you sports fans..
Basketball makes me unconscious too, Rocky. I understand.
I hate being poor. :(
That engine in a FD3S 3rd gen RX7 would own. Not like the vette isn't pretty though..
After the R8, all LED headlight/marker combinations are boring to me.
She freaking MELTS me. Always has.
Lead is cheaper than tranqs. Keep the tranqs for the animals and the lead for these asshats.
So, if on the side of the truck you can't see, someone had opened the door and his FUCKING WIFE AND KID were at risk, you'd suggest he talk it out? Fuck that. Engage human meat grinder Range Rover Sport. These were THUG FUCKS. FUCK THEM.
Yes. I totally believe the guys wearing masks under their helmets, riding bikes illegal for street use and/or unregistered bikes, breaking every traffic law in the state of NY, threatening a man and his family, and recording and uploading their asshattery to youtube. Totally. Oh, and it's Obama's fault.
Humans? Odd - I didn't see humans. I saw savages.
IPA is misunderstood. He's a cool motherfucker that's got your back, and/or will put you on your back (based on preference, of course) if you want.
HAHA well done sir.