Yo these are some high quality videos! Love getting insight into the games industry like this
Yo these are some high quality videos! Love getting insight into the games industry like this
“He’s not the only spirits/food/Beveridge purveyor on the list”
I think a lot of people are. There are sit-down establishments I visit where I toy with trying another dish, but eventually go to one of my usuals because I came specifically for the expected comfort of said dish.
“looking like a brothel or a funeral parlor...”
Good women’s soccer is more entertaining than good men’s soccer.
tbh I’m more impressed they manage to avoid the temptation of those rolls
It’s crazy that that’s their ONLY meal of the day!
I was all ready to say something snarky in the comments until I saw that the dude is a Vietnam vet and the restaurant is his comfort and now I’m like “man, whatever gets you through.”
I read the article expecting to roll my eyes a lot, but it actually...makes sense? Not something I'd want to do, but if it works for them, that's great.
So EXOS hired failed GMs, who don’t know how to draft well, to HELP potential draftees do better?
“Excuse me, are you the Judean People’s Front?”
It really seems to be entirely dependent on which arc of Kyrie’s mood swings the Celtics are riding come playoff time.
What reason does a pizzeria that is not based in a town called Mystic call themselves Mystic pizzeria other than to increase hit rates in internet searches and create a false association with the OG/movie?
I went to the doctors with some knee pain a few years back as a 41 year old desk jockey. 2 years, three surgeries and a total knee replacement later due to arthritis in my knee, I’m kind of on Gurley’s side on this one
‘Let’s get the hell out of here!’-Abe Lincoln
I think it’s because not protecting your copyright makes the slope that much more slippery when you do decide to protect your copyright.
Yeah, that one is very dubious. That terminology is used almost on a daily basis and isn’t necessarily “trademark-able”.
If it was just the yellow and red colors, I’d say In-N-Out could get fucked, but the palm tree design on the laces is pretty egregious.
Affluenza teen got probation for killing multiple people. 5 years is crazy