
The primary reason Bluehole has to lose this case is because Fortnite is a derivative work with the derivation lying solely on the vague concept of what constitutes “battle royale” gameplay.

The ball becomes dead and runners advance one base, or return to their bases, without liability to be put out, when:

very first post is victim blaming. good fucking job.

The visa free transit in China is however very conditional and has a lot of specific things to it.
You need to arrive by air to one of select airports.
You’re only allowed to stay in that city.
The length you’re allowed to stay varies from 72 to 144 hours, depending on the city.
You need to depart to a 3rd country on your

This guy’s shirt slips off astonishingly quickly:

I think it was the “Aaaa, you should ask his girlfriend” at the beginning that was weird. As in the coach knew something, or had a negative opinion of Rosen, but didn’t feel it was his place to talk about it. I think a normal reaction someone expects when they ask about a person is “Oh, Josh? Yeah he’s a good kid” or

The dong giveth and the dong taketh away.

Joel realized he had an article due today and didn’t have a goddamn thing to write about.


The left lanes are moving, the right lanes are not. It’s most likely that it’s the exit that’s causing the backup. Your hypothetical is very much unlikely. Even if you’re right, you don’t get to just use the shoulder for a quarter mile because the legal traffic lanes are backed up.

While I kind of agree with you, everything but the drug and weapons charges do not seem like something that you should get locked up for. Hit him in the pocketbook, sure, but making the rest of us pay to lock him away for doing repeated low level stupidity?

Legal jiu-jitsu.

Gwen, sweety, darling.... tatertots are not fries. They are tasty and good and everything, but they are no more a fry than hashbrowns are.

Is he protecting his guy here? I mean, the Browns have looked suspiciously like a real football team in the off-season, but the result of those moves has yet to be seen.

Until your kid can use knife and fork and sit quietly through a meal, they stay at home.

“a paraplegic security guard” - I don’t know how to say this without being a dick, but, uhhh, odd choice for a security guard.

normal average sized human here.

I recline about an inch. thats far enough for my head to relax and not loll forward while I sleep.