The dad joke is a time-honored tradition. It likely goes back to the dawn of humanity, middle-aged cavemen making…
The dad joke is a time-honored tradition. It likely goes back to the dawn of humanity, middle-aged cavemen making…
“include a special pocket for a Tile device tracker,”
“include a special pocket for a Tile device tracker,”
Jesus. That’s fucking incredible. I don’t get it.
No I get that. But the article makes it seem like this is a novel way to watch fights. When it’s been on YouTube and castable for ages. This just brings that technology to firestick users
Huge props to Larry for stepping up here and taking a public stance on this. Us libtards can yell and scream and shake our fists on issues like this all we want, but it will always fall on deaf ears to hardcore 2nd amendment supporters. It’s going to take a major effort from high-profile guys like Chipper, who likely…
I would say about Tim Lee that “I haven’t seen a man leave such a burning wake in his trail through Atlanta since Sherman,” but most of Cobb County doesn’t have access to the books to explain the joke.
My tips are mainly for living in ATL.
So where does “Deadspin’s Best Long Stories of 2017" fall on the “Deadspin’s Best Long Stories of 2017" list?
It’s best to actually read articles before commenting on them.
In this case, the guy wasn’t trying to be part of a showcase. He was trying to get a ticket to be in the audience...for a show he otherwise wouldn’t have been interested in if it wasnt advertised as “no boys allowed”. I’m a guy and I have no problem with such a show. Most guys wouldn’t even give it a thought. I bet…
Who benefited from the call? The Patriots.
I have watched this multiple forwarded. Where the fuck did that bat land? Is it hanging in the ether with Prince’s guitar?
Do it, you won’t regret it. The flexibility will come as you train. Be prepared to feel completely lost and out of shape during your first few weeks. Everyone does — no one judges because everyone in the class has gone through the exact same thing.
It was all fun until one teddy bear tried to leap into the stands to challenge a fan...
I agree with you but watching people do math is about as exciting as watching people do math.
Is this Mythbusters 2.0?
This is the purest desire I’ve ever felt in my life to see both sides lose.
Isn’t the reason reporters use allegedly so they can’t be sued for libel? I understand the frustration but the way our legal system works we have to give perpetrators their day in court
Sorry but this is a horseshit opinion. Coke Zero tastes a lot different from Diet Coke, it’s sweeter and has that spicy, slightly citrusy flavor to it like Coca-Cola whereas Diet Coke does not. (The “base formula” of Coke Zero is the original Coke formula whereas the base formula of Diet Coke was and is the New Coke…
Well, that’s kind of the point. It will train you to recruit more muscles since you’re stopping momentum and it’s harder, BUT if you keep a slight bend and keep tension there’s value in that as well.