
“loan for our wedding”

Volvos have their share of problems (mainly electric), but rusting I don’t think really is one of them. Not counting the old S/V40 that was on mitsubishi platform.

Fully galvanized chassis and doors so they stay pretty nice even in the rust belt.

I dunno, an FJ40 with the top off would be max flex...

I had hope after the last few weeks’ coverage but it’s becoming apparent that Jalopnik is still in the unfortunate situation of having people who don’t know or care to know about F1 writing articles on it.

COLUSSION between Ballpark Nathans and Sara Lee? THEY SAY NO! FAKE NEWS protecting HEBREW national. SAD!

2nd-generation Chrysler Concorde. I love that they made this much effort in breaking out of the full-size sedan mold.

You had to have a loco motive to stay there for a full 9 hours, that’s for sure.

I always though people who remove dents should be called dentists. A bodyshop should be the place where people work out. Those who work on mouths and teeth should be called tooth fairies.

The Z31 based neoclassic was called the Spartan II.

...for two kids to commit

“Get Your Fix” narrowly beat out “WE SELL METH”, which they thought was a teeny bit heavy-handed.

Yeah, Meth Business Administration.

More like future David Tracy purchases.

The only Eclipse-related driving problem I’m worried about:


Don’t feel bad. Everybody sucks at aerodynamics. Well, I guess people who have actually studied aerodynamics don’t,

That’s only a 1JZ in your picture

You’re not looking at the correct cars Fancy Kristen. These are pleb cars. I’m just going to google some worthy autos, brb...

Good job, jor8ge.