The angry eye grills are an attempt by the Jeep bros to reclaim their title as most obnoxious car bros, the deisel tuner bros and stanced bros have been putting jeep bros to shame in the Game of Bros for the last couple years.
I disagree, I feel that racism should be called out when racism is the intent. When you call out a policy for “being racist” when it’s impact on minorities is purely coincidental, I feel like you’re distracting from the real underlying issues. It seems disingenuous and desperate to me, as if one is so willing to paint…
Rusted out at the rear?
If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.
I know very well what a self-driving car is. That is why I reject it consciously.
Drink a shot when Alex Roy mentions his Autonoring, a Nurburbring-like event for autonomous cars.
Good. As you can see from the United example, the free market is forcing the airline to address itself. No need for Big Government to intervene. The investors will.
Ban shredded cheese!
So you’re saying there’s a chance?
this was your superhero origin story and you missed it. you should have gotten beat up, steeled your resolve and built a crime fighting suit out of salvaged jeep parts, gotten justice on the bad guy, and gone on to make things better for all citizens of the junkyard. now you’re just the unnamed guy being slowly driven…
We do this with Mustangs..... We call it cars and coffee.
Growing up I heard this story from my cousin about his friend’s Beetle:
One of cousin’s good friends in high school started out driving the family beatle as his first car, but got a major upgrade from the parentals when he turned 18... a Porsche 911. As high schoolers are known to do, he of course wrecked the…
To be fair, he was probably both. That’s how marriages work.
My dad was Colombian, and as a teenager in the 50s would barnstorm the mountain roads around the capital, with his buddies along for the ride. They would do typically adolescent car stuff on narrow and poorly built and maintained roads; I live to tell his tales despite this behavior.
Better headline:
Yup. Got one too. You can also get free software like Registrator Viewer that syncs your footage to the GPS data, revealing a Google Map with the route taken.
Excuse me, which way to Wollingstoke-on-Fleeb?