
I believe CBD works to control people’s pain.

i bet paltrow has tips for where to keep that crystal without cluttering up your living space.

Yeah, if it was against dress code it should have been brought up before that. If anything I would think they’d loosen up the rules for picture day because maybe the kids just want to do something special for their picture. Something like “Just so you know, unnatural hair colors are against dress code, but go ahead

So stupid. Isn’t it time for schools to stop banning things for being “distracting”? Who would be bothered by her hair? Why do they get to dictate hair color? Don’t schools have better things to focus on?

good, more spots in college for my regular dumb kids.

What is the point of FAITH if you’re afraid of letting it be tested?

They’re a holy day, after all, celebrating the birth of our Lord, Savior, and ultimate global executioner a la Godzilla-style carnage and mayhem:

Ok Boomer

I’ve used the old bait & switch to good effect - but never against someone’s will.

The Ginger Snaps movies might be my three favorite werewolf movies


Yes please get socks.  So tired of the dudebros who think bleeding on the equipment is a sign of toughness.  It is one of the reasons my wife and I built our home gym.  

Been there done that. Now happily ensconced in the job for which I was overqualified for 10 years - though I’ve been promoted twice, so now not so overqualified.

Man, it’s nice seeing lying liars get called out for being lying liars on shows like these! You know what’s even better?

As someone who was in the Army during 9/11 I can personally say that I do not feel offended in anyway by kneeling football players. Obviously as one person among the ~1.3M people in the military, my opinion is anecdotal and not a blanket belief by all veterans, but I have a hard time imagining many of the other

Beto: Fucking immigration man!!!! Like, Trump sucks bro!

Because it was put in an inside suit pocket. 

That’s what I thought their primary use was! My previous cat was terrible about getting on the back of the couch and batting at the picture hanging over it. Between him and the hurricane intensity ceiling fan, those were indespensible!

That’s what I thought their primary use was! My previous cat was terrible about getting on the back of the couch and

Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.

To co-opt a Bette Davis quote: “Mother always said to speak good of the dead. David Koch is dead. Good.”