

People know that’s a prop and none of the characters are actually real... right?

Last night, spokesperson for Justice Democrats Waleed Shahid responded on Twitter to Claire McCaskill, a former Senator who lost her race in the Midwest, who said that “free stuff from the government does not play well in the Midwest.”

Joule thief!

The fact that they are TERRIFIED that they no longer matter is the entire point of Donald-fucking-Trump. So yes, we need to stop arguing and cajoling and attempting to reason with these people and find ways to win in spite of them.

Eh, I’m nor sure that these white women matter as much as they/we think they do. As Michael Harriot wrote earlier this month,

I’m to the point now, as a man in a professional work environment, where I don’t usually trust people in suits and ties. (exceptions apply for businesses with archaic dress codes where suits are still required)

I’m just a Bill
Yes, I’m only a Bill
I got pigeonholed on Capital Hill

I mean if you confront these mutha fuckas with the facts that you just laid out in this article they lose their damn minds. Fuck them all. You are a racist piece of white trash. You voted for someone as dumb as you, as fat as you, as intellectually stunted as you, as ignorant of business as you, as ignorant of the

Because electing and reelecting an irrefutable racist is an act of racism in and of itself, regardless of one’s priorities or intent.

Vote for me to unfuck the country I helped fuck up.”

I prefer a personal relationship with line spacing, thanks. 

“ If you understand the political strategy here is to make Trump look as bad as possible”

Them: All I know is, if you’re gonna tell me that a child is going to travel the world for eight years training and learning to become a master fighter, I’ll tell you’re being ridiculous.

Also proof that nobody can own the Dems as hard as they own themselves. 

You don’t lose rigidity in a person?  Guess this dude has no toddlers...

and the sound of you jerkin’ it.

This same argument happens ad nauseum in every fitness, diet adjacent article.

This review tells me someone’s opinion of the film, and thus ruins and spoils the movie for me. For shame, i09.

I’m not even supposed to be here today!